So far I wouldn't have said that it was prolonged, just very slow burn, but breaking the flow like this, to show more or less unknown characters becoming a couple, is rather unfortunate.
Taking a look at the comments shows that it seems to be the right move, people are suddenly interested and positive again, the majority is pleased by the interruption, even going so far as to say that the second couple is better than the main. DJun seems to have made the right decision in terms of general reader satisfaction, personally I just hope that his vision of the story won't turn out to disappoint me – if it does, then I can only attribute it to a difference in taste, which might be sad, but can't be helped.

The best comment I've seen so far Quian. At this point I'm just feeling frustrated with the story. YuYang had finally come to terms with his feelings after what feels like a billion chapters of him being in denial or supposedly "in love" with his best friend, and now we're thrown off the hype train with a frankly random couple and I'm hugely disappointed. The last few chapters have been infuriating to read and I've considered dropping it but DJun has built the dynamic of the main couple so well up to now I don't have the heart to leave them ╥﹏╥

Hi, I saw your arguments during the previous chapter. Let me quote you on this..
You're disappointed? "It's not DJun's fault that you were hyped for the wrong thing, you just assumed it will be like this and that, he never stated that it's going in this specific direction, or when"
Three separate stories would've been great? "What irks me is that people are trying to dictate him to write his own story"
In the end "complaining is not critiquing, it's just that- complaining"
My point is, never trust an author especially if the series is famous. For them the more it drags, the more money they can get. Although I know it's probably not that much, but hey, why not milk it out while he can, right? When it's your turn to be super disappointed in an author, just remember that you said these words.

Your first point: To quote myself, taken out of my reply to Adeedas - “I just hope that his vision of the story won't turn out to disappoint me – if it does, then I can only attribute it to a difference in taste, which might be sad, but can't be helped.” I'm in total agreement with what I said before.
The second: There is a difference between a personal wish, which I clearly voiced by using “would like”, as well as a personal thought like “seems odd”, and what constitutes as dictating something, claiming that how it is done is wrong and should be done differently, which is what I had a problem with in other people's posts. Again, I'm in agreement with what I said before.
The third: Taking sentences out of context to prove your point has no place in a discussion – the context being mindless complains about how “it's too slow”, that “too little happens”, and similar points, especially when the person insist on their personal opinion being a fact. I did none of those, neither did I say anything about the pacing, nor that the story goes in the wrong direction, I simply voiced a personal point of view, followed by a personal fear, over to a wish, and closed with an expression of trust in the artist; always using “seems” and “would”, which both show a subjective stance, while the people I had arguments with used “is” and “should”, two words that imply an objective fact. My post neither meets the requirements for a complain, for I didn't voice any kind of strong distaste for the story, its pacing, etc., nor is it a critique, for which I would have needed to point out specific shortcomings in an objective manner, it's merely a personal point of view, indicated by my choice of words and phrasing. The only part that is vague would be "The flow was heavily interrupted, the tension between the main couple fades into the background, and when it finally progresses, it's hard to get back into it" - it's neither clearly subjective nor clearly objective, in conclusions, it's nothing but a statement with little value.
For your last sentence, see my answer to point one.
I would honestly like to drop it here, it's yet another case of wording and phrasing being overlooked, and I'm really tired of this type of misunderstanding.

just because other people arent nearly as eloquent as you are, doesnt mean they're wrong and not allowed to comment about how they feel towards a manga. Sure, the sum of your parts might sound like you're being neutral, but the whole of your entire replies I've read seemed to be blaming other people for not understanding the manga as much as you do. Why u gotta downgrade others to "mindless complaints" while when it comes to you it's a "personal point of view". So you can 'wish' how a story goes but other people cant just because they dont have the word 'wish' in it? Does that automatically make their comments no longer a personal opinion but a complaint? A 'complaint' when they didnt even go up to djun's sns and directly tell him.. how about you just ignore the comments here and stop tryna differentiate yourself with others. We all aint dat different in the first place

I agree with you on all but one point, of course people are free to comment, voice their opinion, etc., and I've never blamed anyone for not understanding the story, the core of my replies to others has always been how the way they voice it isn't appropriate, that's mainly the reason why it drops down to a mindless complain. Not liking something is fine, I don't like a lot of series, saying so is fine as well, but claiming that it being badly done/etc. is a fact, that's what I had a problem with and tried to challenge. I personally dislike Naruto, to me it's a boring story with lacklustre art, but I would never claim that it's an objectively bad series – it's just not for me.
The same goes for those I do like, that doesn't mean it's an objectively good series, the way it is made might objectively be good, for that there are rules to go by, and in that department Here u Are did it very accurately, but a story per se can only be subjectively good. I would never criticise someone's personal taste, that would be hubristic.
I had one conversation at the very beginning, later the OP realised that her/his post could be interpreted the way I understood it, even through she/he didn't really mean it like that.
If I can't go by what they write, because they themselves write it down without thinking about how they phrase it, then how should I know what they really mean? How could anyone know?
There's a difference between "I don't like it" and "It's bad", if someone uses the latter, then I can't know that they mean the first.
No one here is actually discussing their opinions, they either insult each other or “scream” at each other until one of them leaves, and so far only one of those I tried to debate with admitted that they voiced it in an unfortunate way, then explained what they really meant, which would have made room for a conversation – if no one here cares about how others will understand their post, does that mean they don't want to have a discussion? That's the conclusion I came to, hence I no longer try.
I already stopped to comment on other people's posts, exactly for that reason, I can't and don't want to force anyone to converse, for me it just wasn't clear that they were merely ranting; I'm not used to people doing that directly on the spot, if someone comments right under it, then it seemed obvious to me that they want to converse. Internet culture can be tricky, I misinterpreted it, and I learned from it.
Although it was a nice chapter, at this point I'm a bit disappointed; flashing out a second couple while the main one, which is complex and complicated, is still stuck at the very beginning, seems like an odd decision. The flow was heavily interrupted, the tension between the main couple fades into the background, and when it finally progresses, it's hard to get back into it – of course, multiple couples are very common in this type of story, but usually the main one isn't as time consuming as YuYang/LiHuan. I'm afraid their future progress will be rushed, a tragic waste of potential in favour of side characters we barely know, considering that there's another couple ready to be flashed out, this seems more and more likely. Three separate stories would have been great, I'm interested in knowing much more about every individual character, as it is now, I can't quite bring myself to care about them beyond them being the supporting cast. I wonder what DJun has planed to make this setup work.