Firstly Solo Leveling, then Daughter of The Emperor and La Dolce Vi Adelaide, even Survive...

pikapika April 26, 2019 10:37 am

Firstly Solo Leveling, then Daughter of The Emperor and La Dolce Vi Adelaide, even Survive as the Hero's Wife. I'm actually getting so damn furious. GUYS JUST BLOCK THE ONMANGA ON YOUR BROWSERS OR SOMETHING, IT HAS SOME SORTA VIRUS IN IT AS WELL. THIS SHIT HAS STARTED TO GET SO ANNOYING SERIOUSLY.

    Kami-chan April 26, 2019 11:42 am

    Light & shadow too! Ugh it's so annoyinf, if I can report it, I would smash that option

    Joshua April 26, 2019 1:39 pm

    The abandoned empress (I think that it's the title) too

    Leela April 26, 2019 3:15 pm

    I feel you... I read all those webtoons (Light shadow, doctor Elise and adandoned empress too) and I was sooo happy to see an update ... and then ! Bam ! Fucking scam ! #-.-)

    Kylaninja April 26, 2019 11:40 pm
    I feel you... I read all those webtoons (Light shadow, doctor Elise and adandoned empress too) and I was sooo happy to see an update ... and then ! Bam ! Fucking scam ! #-.-) Leela

    What is this onmanga thing everyone is talking about?