What is going on

pruple_royal April 24, 2019 3:07 am

Is this meant to be a manga that follows after Tate no yuusha or just for jokes cause it makes the the first manga feel unless cause if the other MC( shied hero) in Tate no yuusha isn't betrayed a lot of people won't show like his sevant and that bird girl (I dropped this manga a while ago Don't know all the other important guys) but if the MC in Tate no yuusha isn't push to the corner he won't become as strong as before.
Honestly this makes be dislike the first one a lot ( I wasted my time on the manga) and this manga just doesn't feel like their is any meaning or growth in the characters like tate no yuusha.
In this yari no yuusha the MC isn't smart at all, he is just the same as he was before only thing he knows they will betray them, and now he is just get girls and bird girls and girls that were connected with the shied hero that don't look like pigs to him. All he is doing is keeping the shied hero close so he doesn't have to replay the life again cause the sheild hero is crazy weak Now and how is he the only one that can remember?
Maybe another manga will come out part 3, and the MC can be the sword hero then part 4 with the MC been the aorrw hero (⌒▽⌒) won't that be great, and maybe like this one the could all go back In time (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
PS; this is just my personal opinion no offense to anyone

    greyhud90 May 14, 2019 10:52 pm

    spin off
    time travel thingy, multi verse stuff, quantum blablabla
    I've read the web novel and no this isn't the sequel.

    and yes TLDR lol