I will say this again

Lala April 24, 2019 2:32 am

Morinaga outed Souichi without his consent. Anyone in the closet would consider that a deep betrayal and would react just as badly. Souichi himself is still getting used to the changes in his life and not even a year later he is getting forced out of the closet. I had be mad too.

    TD2 April 24, 2019 2:48 am

    Preach (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Sad April 24, 2019 2:56 am

    i totally agree i would be SO mad too but theres a limit isnt there. like hows he gonna just ignore him for a week and not even tell him why hes mad. break up with him then if youre that mad geez. and despite everything i think its so horrible to tell someone to go die. imagine if thats the last thing you say to them... omg crying

    Lala April 24, 2019 3:54 am

    Not a week. Just two days of Senpai not taking his calls. Even Morinaga agrees that he was careless. Exposing him like that to rumors and ignorant people. Plus everyone crosses that line when they’re upset. No that he was right to, but we’ve always known Souichi to have outbursts like these.

    Sachiko April 24, 2019 4:53 am
    i totally agree i would be SO mad too but theres a limit isnt there. like hows he gonna just ignore him for a week and not even tell him why hes mad. break up with him then if youre that mad geez. and despite e... Sad

    Um he literally assaulted him in the open, if the friend of his brother's lover wasn't the one who caught them, he could have been targeted by some homophobe and LITERALLY been dead. If Morinaga hadn't attacked him because of some valid concerns that Souichi had, especially given Morinaga's past rapist behaviors, then Morinaga would never have had to face such condemnation. It seriously confuses me why I always find people on here who place blame on the victim when they could JUST AS EASILY place it all on the rapist, without sounding, y'know, like they're defending rapists....?

    Sachiko April 24, 2019 4:56 am
    Um he literally assaulted him in the open, if the friend of his brother's lover wasn't the one who caught them, he could have been targeted by some homophobe and LITERALLY been dead. If Morinaga hadn't attacked... Sachiko

    Quite frankly if someone abused me, I would be quite happy if the last words they heard from me were 'GO DIE'. T.

    Sachiko April 24, 2019 5:07 am
    Um he literally assaulted him in the open, if the friend of his brother's lover wasn't the one who caught them, he could have been targeted by some homophobe and LITERALLY been dead. If Morinaga hadn't attacked... Sachiko

    Just saying this as an example of how Morinaga outed him in the past in order to compare it to now since there isn't much difference. T.

    sparklylemons April 24, 2019 7:57 am

    Agree. People are always too easy on mori despite his terrible behavior time and time again. And senpai isn't even that mad.