٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ just my opinion, i don't think that sungho detested the whole skinship things wth dohyun back then, (you would agree on after seeing the raws warehouse esp part bathtub scene, here's sungho was the one who initiated sexual intercourse and as on top of dohyun, he played it very well, his shirtlss bodi was damn hot)sungho was just emotionally conflicted btw morality and his inner subconscious desire. he has been taught and cultivated as 'good and obedient son' by his parents. Besides, from the flashbacks i also notice that sungho was being too concerned on how would others judge on their gay relationship. It wasnot proper to date during school time, let alone both are boys. Dohyun on the hand, pretty much fearless abt others opinion, or he simply couldnt even care less, when sungho pulled away from his touch in front of public, he straight away jumped into speculation that sungho would ditch him, (which something i dont blame dohyun due to his past traumatic experience). He started playing hard to get, but the problem was, it broke sungho deeply and the rest was the story.
Thanks a lot for sharing your comments and i really appreciate that. If killerwhale unable to avoid tragic end, i hope they died in poetic way.

I agree with you. Even though their relationship didn’t start so well, Sungho didn’t detest it. He was too worried about outsiders opinions (he was always the perfect student/son) that he felt it was ‘wrong’ or ‘disgusting’. I think the main reason that he began loathing Dohyun was bc he loved him, but he was too scared of Dohyun rejecting him after all what they had done. Saying it was ‘disgusting’ to Dohyun was expressing his fears and drawing a barrier between them. I’m not trying to justify young Dohyun about how he began their relationship, but he was young, a child who didn’t know love or how to express it. I don’t think it was his fault bc I felt that he really, really cared about Sungho. He didn’t hurt him with the intention of doing so bc it was his immaturity (well, both were immature) The fucked up one is Sungho that after years of what happened he decided to abuse and rape Dohyun just bc of ‘revenge’. All this shit would’ve been WAY different if both of them. I like both characters a lot, but rn what I wish the most is for Dohyun to be happy bc shit we all commit mistakes and hurt ppl in the process, but what Sungho did to him is by no means justified. Sorry for the loooong rant and if my English sucks ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Thanks for your comment. I do agree on the point that his way of taking 'revenge' is unforgivable, but as you said what i want is dohyun's happiness as well. Let's face it although how insane it might seem for me to admit that the one who breaks him is only the one who can bring him happiness. All these tine he has been struggling wth solitary and financial burden as he was behind so many bills. In dohyun's case, I gotta admit, there's something liberating abt him letting all of these go, and return to the moment when he was truly free and happy with sungho. Some may question dohyun's sanity now, but i think deep down he is aware of all the horrible things that sungho did to him during captivity, he also knows that the shits happened_happened, there's nothing he can do abt it, it cant be undone, so might as well he erased that bad memory and start a fresh life. That also happens he got pissed at sungho in latest raws chp 55 -when the remorseful sungho mentioned that he will atone for what he has done to dohyun because for dohyun, it never existed. The whole rape thing.
But i got curious abt one thing, why sungho waited for nine yrs to exact his 'revenge'? Dohyun was relocated to sungho's home (=・ω・=)Also where's his mom and dad?

Welcome to the warehouse shipper club, fujoshi or fudanshi? Anyway you gotta read the warehouse raws, their erotica - bathtub scene, sungho omg... ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

I am so engaged with how the story will develop. There is and was indeed love between them. It’s interesting to think how love can persist in the difficult situation they were iin. Nonetheless, they do love each other. And yes, it is dysfunctional. But I think it’s beautiful how they found themselves back to each other. Is it really wrong to continue a relationship when it all went the wrong way? Is it really wrong to accept something so wrong even if it feels right?
Dohyun was extremely traumatized as a teenager because of his father and his betrayed love, it is quite serious because he even forgot sungho all together so much that even when his life depended on it, he could remember. That’s how MUCH he was mentally scarred.
Sungho was also extremely traumatized with feelings of regret and disgust so bad that for 9 years he couldn’t move on.
We really can’t blame both of them, they mutually loved each other truthfully. But they came about it the wrong way. We tend to be judgmental with their choices, but when put in the same situation, are we really sure we won’t do the same mistakes?
This is what I love about this manhwa. It makes us think if love could really only be defined as a “righteous” one? And can it only continue if everything right happened? Don’t people who have been unfortunate in life have the right to love even if it’s in the wrong place? We got used to relationships that are perfect, but in the real world it’s not like that all the time. Where do we draw the line? What is wrong or right? Is it okay for it to be wrong?
Arghh!! The reflections I have with this manhwa is too much. I really love the author
((this is long!! pls dont click the plus sign if u dont want to struggle!))
finally caught up. okay so all in all what i see is: dohyun who grew up in harsh environments gained a manipulative personality and he almost never took anything seriously or sincerely but he did like sungho and had hopes for the two of them. i think the things that dohyun did, while unhealthy and definitely toxic for a relationship, he didn't quite feel the weight of. sure he thinks maturely and deeply (mostly for his own benefit) but he still is a kid. one that especially got used to messing around and so he did a lot of things with sungho that he didn't think twice about. im not justifying him tho. 이놈! sungho on the other side wants to be with dohyun and genuinely cherishes him but because of this he did a lot of things he didn't like but felt the need to so he can be with dohyun. when he started feeling like he's only being used for dohyun's benefit, he probably thought that to some extent their feelings aren't quite mutual (in some way idk) so that's where the revenge branched off. also bc most of the things they did, sungho found disgusting altho dohyun didn't. all in all this whole thing wouldn't have happened if they didn't get separated by class lol or maybe if they had talked it out and understood each other. dohyun thought that sungho was leaving him, thought sungho was fine with everything; sungho thought too much of dohyun and neglecting his own feelings for the most part. he felt choked bc his thoughts were like a one way tunnel thats focused on dohyun and pleasing dohyun and dohyun never bothered to show sungho another way bc he felt satisfied that way bc of his own benefit and ajhdks ideals??? idk but anyway he felt good that sungho is in that dohyun-only tunnel, that he's the center of someone's life so he took advantage of it.
my personal opinions are that: sungho misunderstood dohyun's intention to some degree; dohyun was too careless but even back when they were younger, he needed help; umm we can all agree that sungho is broken already so yeah. never justify all the things that present sungho did. reading all this and going with the pace of the story, you'll rly feel the character progression but dont forget the things that sungho did. i think its good to reread from the start. its what i did. (but no matter how much i reread i still get swayed by the pace lol so i don't hate sungho as much nor dohyun or anyone. ps also yongsu u lookin good i like)
i had a thought while in the middle that despite dohyun struggling so hard to get away (its only natural he got abducted ffs and experienced rape and physical harassment so many times), he actually doesn't have much to go back to. so i thought it would be good if there's a progress where the two can make up and mend things (sigh i know. pretty hard) so they can just???? be together???? without hurting one another???? or being in a toxic relationship??? but then. dohyun broke. so. idk. im anticipating so much as to what's gonna happrn next ! also it feels like a bad foreshadowing—what sungho's doing that he's neglecting what should be done tho idk what the pills r for but i hope nothing TOO bad happens. this is such a good story fuck and we're still not done with the two chasing sungho too.
also joseph u sweet lil genius, stay safe.