Léto. Wow. As a person from Czech republic I can tall you that Léto is weird name and no...

N!No April 22, 2019 9:37 pm

Léto. Wow. As a person from Czech republic I can tall you that Léto is weird name and no parent will probably never use it. But as a fangirl I have to say it´s great. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    tentacleTherapist April 22, 2019 10:17 pm

    Haha, hey there! Exactly what I thought!

    tokio April 22, 2019 10:40 pm
    Haha, hey there! Exactly what I thought! tentacleTherapist

    Yeah... I laughed for 5 minutes....

    Lolcatz101 April 22, 2019 11:44 pm

    Haha I know!! I was super suprised to see that, and I like Diesel even more

    UFD April 23, 2019 12:18 am

    Vážně jsem nečekala, že někdy uvidím češtinu v korejské manhwě (to je dobrý patvar :D), neodolám něco napsat česky i do komentářů

    Caelici April 23, 2019 12:51 am

    Can you explain why it's weird? Is it uncommon or something?

    sunako April 23, 2019 1:07 am
    Can you explain why it's weird? Is it uncommon or something? Caelici

    In slavic countries noone name their children after seasons.

    N!No April 23, 2019 7:17 am
    Can you explain why it's weird? Is it uncommon or something? Caelici

    First there is no tradition of using seasons (or other common nouns) in names. Only two names that I can think of are based on Spring (Jaro) and that is Jaroslav (translation is something like Celebration of Spring) and Jaromír (simply Spring + Peace). I don't know about any other names based on Summer, Autumn or Winter (Léto, Podzim, Zima in czech).
    Secondly parent in Czech republic cannot name their child in every way they want to because of laws of child protection. The rules are simple: The name have to exist in some calendar at the world (sometimes are recognized names of characters in books, TV series or movies); the name must be grammatically correct; the name cannot be shorter, longer or be composite of two or more names, it cannot be garbled, diminutive or homely (cute versions of names). If the name that parents select is very unusual they need an expert opinion - they pay for it to special office, the charge is 600-1100 Kč (around 26-48 USD so no big deal) and sometimes happens that the name is unauthorized and parents have to choose different one. Good example of how name should an shouldn't look like by czech law is Ivana and Ivanka Trump - Ivana is correct version however Ivanka is diminutive and not allowed. If Ivanka was born in CZ and not in USA she couldn't be named that way, she would have to have the same name as her mother Ivana. (Ivanka is version of name that you can call little child or someone really close to you like partner, sibling or best friend because it's infantile).
    There is no list of allowed names (because in the world is too many names) but there is list of unauthorized names - I did'n check it but I think that name Léto is not allowed (or it will be problematic to authorize Léto as a name) simply because it's not a name but noun.
    I hope I answered sufficiently comprehensive. :-*

    N!No April 23, 2019 7:22 am
    Vážně jsem nečekala, že někdy uvidím češtinu v korejské manhwě (to je dobrý patvar :D), neodolám něco napsat česky i do komentářů UFD

    Čechů je jen deset milionů, což je cca 1/77 000 světové populace. Musíme se prosadit kde se dá.

    UFD April 23, 2019 10:18 am
    Čechů je jen deset milionů, což je cca 1/77 000 světové populace. Musíme se prosadit kde se dá. N!No

    Ale v tomto případě to spíš vypadá, jako by nás někdo prosazoval, než že bychom na tom měli zásluhu :D I když Československý ovčák je celkem rarita - jestli půjde v příběhu o něho :)
    Btw. moc pěkné vysvětlení českých jmen! :)

    MeloryBrii April 23, 2019 12:07 pm
    Vážně jsem nečekala, že někdy uvidím češtinu v korejské manhwě (to je dobrý patvar :D), neodolám něco napsat česky i do komentářů UFD

    yeees. Čeština :D a tady! To je super ^^

    Terinka April 23, 2019 2:45 pm
    yeees. Čeština :D a tady! To je super ^^ MeloryBrii

    to je ale epický moment :-D

    tokio April 23, 2019 3:59 pm

    Hihihi.. To jo přímo REVOLUCE... (⌒▽⌒)... Já jsem si četla... Jedu automaticky... A najednou mi to cvakne... Léto... Tak se vracím a čtu to znova... No jo je to tam ...
    Když jsme u těch českých slov... Četl jste někdo tu mangu o husitech? Začíná to ošklivě... Znásilněnim... Atd... (︶︿︶)
    Upřímně zvládla jsem jen pár kapitol...

    UFD April 23, 2019 6:06 pm
    Hihihi.. To jo přímo REVOLUCE... (⌒▽⌒)... Já jsem si četla... Jedu automaticky... A najednou mi to cvakne... Léto... Tak se vracím a čtu to znova... No jo je to tam ... Když jsme u těch českýc... tokio

    Já jsem si nejdřív říkala "Počkat, rusky se řekne léto taky léto???" :D Až pak u Czech mi došlo, že je to fakt myšleno česky
    Vůbec netuším! Jak se to o Husitech jmenuje? Ono teda u Husitů se znásilnění moc divit nedá...

    Lolcatz101 April 23, 2019 8:59 pm
    Já jsem si nejdřív říkala "Počkat, rusky se řekne léto taky léto???" :D Až pak u Czech mi došlo, že je to fakt myšleno česky Vůbec netuším! Jak se to o Husitech jmenuje? Ono teda u Husitů se ... UFD

    No já jsem to taky udělala. Byl to velký šok pro mně když jsem přečetla že je to čeština :D

    Caelici April 24, 2019 10:09 pm
    First there is no tradition of using seasons (or other common nouns) in names. Only two names that I can think of are based on Spring (Jaro) and that is Jaroslav (translation is something like Celebration of Sp... N!No

    Thank you for the long and detailed explanation! I understand now

    N!No April 24, 2019 11:10 pm
    Thank you for the long and detailed explanation! I understand now Caelici

    You're welcome ;-)