Title of this manga?

RustlingReprisal April 21, 2019 10:13 pm

Hello, any help would be appreciated in finding the title of this manga. From what I remember, I think it was one of those slice of life mangas with the setting in a high school? There is this dark-haired boy who befriends a light-haired boy. The dark-haired boy sticks by the light-haired boy's side even after discovering that he's gay and has a crush on his best friend. At one point, the black-haired guy punches a classmate who antagonizes the light-haired guy after there were rumours that he was gay. The light-haired guy has a great female friend that had her dark hair in low pigtails (I think?) that was really supportive, and even his best friend that he had a crush (which I believe he got over because he started to fall for the black-haired guy) didn't abandon him after that fiasco. Sorry if it was a bit vague, but thank you for any help in advance!
