Am I the only one that really wants to make a huge impact on the world, and have people re...

Anon April 21, 2019 7:41 pm

Am I the only one that really wants to make a huge impact on the world, and have people remember my name? It's kind of depressing that our lives are useless, and our life has no impact on the future as it is. There are people in space, people discovering things no one has managed to do before, there are geniuses in the world right now probably doing something really ground breaking right now. So what are us, the average people doing? Our name will eventually die out, and we won't be remembered again. We aren't special or talented in any way like these people, our lives are meaningless. We are taught that every one leaves behind their impact, but the reality is none of do. We're nothing more than average people who won't be remembered.

    arandomweirdo April 21, 2019 7:49 pm

    Youre not the only one, i thinkin about that a lot but then I end up thinking no ones gonna remember me

    PandaRosie April 21, 2019 8:19 pm

    Some nights, before I go to sleep, I think about my future.
    And I'm often sadden by the fact, that I don't do anything to help or change the world. I do want to be remembered, but maybe I'm just a nobody.
    I'm trying to stay positive, that, I may not be remembered by the world, but I have to do my best to be remembered by my surroundings.
    I hope someday, you, me and everyone will find inner peace.
    As someone who kind of feeling lost rn, I'm trying my best, even though I'm asking myself "Am I?"

    Satan™ April 21, 2019 8:21 pm

    You aren't alone. I find myself thinking the exact same thing. About how I will never make an impact, how I am bound to just fade away from everyone's memories after my death. It's a lugubrious thought really. I have an obsession with wanting to be remembered, wanting to believe that I was put on this earth for a reason. But if the majority of the human race will accomplish nothing significant in their lifetime, then what is our purpose? As depressing as this sounds, I have realized that there really isn't a purpose. That there isn't a reason that "god put us on this earth" that this supposedly all powerful being didn't "choose me". (hence my name being Satan). This also has deep roots in my lack of a solid religious belief system. Once again, going to my pessimistic side, as much as I want to make an impact, I know that I won't. That there won't be anything solid to be remembered by. Even things that seem important now, like me having graduated a year early from high school, or having all of these academic achievements, won't matter in even five years time. You never hear of someone just being smart in history books. You don't hear about someone skipping a grade in history books either. Even for someone such as myself who is slightly above average, I will also fail to make an impact and be remembered.

    Anyways, thanks for reading my rambling.

    Satan April 21, 2019 8:25 pm

    Yeah, I think everyone goes through that. Our insignificance in this world can be both a comfort and a sadness. There is always the possibility of greatness - it seems so close when we see people in TV shows, magazines, and online. However, the fact is that, even if there are hundreds of people in our era who will do something great, there are still billions of others out there who are just a face and a name. That's why to me, I'd rather aim to be a legend, a symbol, or a hope just in the mind of one person. As long as there is at least one person's life I have been able to change for the better, I think I can live and die happily knowing that.

    Loona April 21, 2019 9:02 pm

    I understand and I myself what to impact the world and not just be ''another worker or another student''. But at the same time, I don't really care if people will remember me that must, I just go and live my life and that's it. At least one people will remember you, I can promsie you that.

    idk what to call myself April 21, 2019 9:31 pm

    2 options
    a) comfort yourself with the fact that whatever job you do will make a tiny impact on the world by being that person that makes another's life a little more convenient
    b) start studying, go to a university do whatever undergraduate degree etc then get a masters then make that impact, you're here talking about astronauts doing all this stuff acting like you can't do it? That astronaut didn't get chosen by some divine being, they took initiative and threw themselves into that field of work. Instead of sitting on your ass and moaning about being an insignificant life form you could actually study and do that big stuff, become a surgeon and save lives, become a scientist and idk cure cancer, you're here moaning yet you aren't doing anything for yourself are you? Do you really have the right to bitch about all this if you haven't even taken the initiative? Those people aren't "special", they just decided to get up and go learn how to do those things, calling it talent is an insult, talent can only go so far, their skills and fame aren't due to talent its due to working their asses off 4 to even 15 hours a day, 7 days a week for years, even decades to get where they are today

    Anonymous April 22, 2019 4:37 am

    I let go of those ideas a loooong time ago. I'd rather make an impact on the people closest to me. Being well-known and remembered isn't synonymous with being liked or loved.

    Also, once you stop comparing your life to others, you start living at your own pace. I'm in no rush to make things happen or reach stardom, so I have more time to work on me and building my relationships.