
Honestly, It's a ero-webtoon for ladies of this caliber. I don't care about rape in fantasy. And neither should anyone eles. IT'S NOT REAL. Let's be honest, if a woman tried the this shit to men in real life she'd be beaten and raped for touching a straight man like a women.
I swear can't let us girl's have fun. It's always political shit dipping their toes into entertainment. STAY OUT OF ENTERTAINMENT!
Fucking kill joys, everyone that's bitching about her in the comments.
Alright, there's been quite a lot of hate surrounding Ye-eun, so I'd like to create an appreciation thread as a big "fuck you" to the haters. So... here are 3 reasons why Ye-eun is the best MC I've come across.
1. She's not afraid to put her foot down and stick up for her own beliefs. We see this happen when Dorim attempts to blackmail her with the dildo and when Chulsoo gets possessive. Unlike many other heroines from female-targeted mangas, she doesn't let the boys walk all over her. Whilst she does have sex with Chulsoo, they're not dating. This means that she is morally allowed to meet other sexual partners. When Chulsoo revokes this agreement by acting like her boyfriend, she is not afraid to straightforwardly tell him "no". She doesn't pussyfoot around the bush. She does not belong to him, and he does not belong to her. Despite the fact that Chulsoo has a crush on her, he has not told her/asked her out. Therefore, she has no way of knowing that he likes her, and thus she should NOT be held accountable for HIS feelings.
And her first encounter with Dorim! In most female-targeted mangas, the MC goes like "oh no, oh shit, i'll do whatever you say *cries*" when blackmailed. Not Ye-eun. Nup, this queen goes "lol fuck you" and that's what I fucking love about her.
2. She's plain... and that's what makes her relatable af.
She's not unrealistically beautiful, intelligent or rich like most other dommes in femdom manga. This is because most femdom mangas are made for a male audience. During sex scenes, it's all titty-shots and panty-shots. The domme is a perfect, ideal woman for the male audience, and the fact that she has never experienced failure makes her less of a 3-dimensional character and more of a cardboard cutout of that white-haired bitch from Prison School. The fact that Ye-eun's reactions, personality and looks are of a typical, average female really lets me put myself in her shoes. She makes mistakes, but she always gets back up. She's kind, but take that kindness for granted and you'll find yourself in trouble. She takes risks and is entrepreneurial, and has faced failure and backlash from her actions. She's realistic, and that's what makes her much more relatable and likeable.
3. She's ambitious
Lets talk about other reverse harems. We have shit like diabolik lovers where the MC is passive, both in the plot and in romance. It's less about her dreams and ambitions and more about her lover's dreams and ambitions. Usually, the MC is reduced to a housewife in the future. In most reverse-harems, the MC is ALWAYS the submissive one in the relationship. And if she does possess dominant traits, she's always unhappy about them and wants to change so that she can be the subservient one in her relationship. Ye-eun is different. First of all, she's dominant and proud of it. She's ambitious and entrepreneurial, and whilst she has initially failed to start a lingerie line, it has been massively hinted that she will start a new one. Although it has failed once, she continues reaching for her dream until she grasps it.