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Shibori whori April 21, 2019 2:39 am

Sorry. I know this isn't the place. I have shared in the past unasked for updates about my life. I am too old to share (too old to care about sharing), but I literally have no friends so.
Last time (at the time I didn't know, was the greatest news I ever received) I shared the news: I was pregnant. This time I share the worst(scariest) news: I have cancer.
I just needed to get my head around that. Sorry

    junnie April 21, 2019 2:48 am

    Hi! I could not imagine what you are going through. My mom beat cancer twice so I have the same hope for you. If you ever need someone to talk to or even just vent to you can PM me. I wish you all the best. Hang in there!

    Jazzi April 21, 2019 3:50 am

    I’m not sure what type of cancer you have, if it is treatable or not. Either way all I want to say is that don’t let it hold you back from doing what you want to do in life. If you want to try something new do it. It’s never about how much time you spend in this world, it is about how you spend it. Stay strong and have a positive mindset. Cancer doesn’t mean you’ll die today or tomorrow. If the doctor says you’ll die, it doesn’t mean you will. Way to many people in this world lose hope when they are told that and I don’t wish that for you.

    You will have high days and then you’ll have low days, but never stop fighting, even if you feel like you want to. Don’t bottle your feelings either, and don’t regret anything you choose for yourself.

    If you feel alone and scared maybe you can see if there is a support group in your area, find an outlet of some sort, something that makes you feel alive and keeps your mind off any struggles you are going through.

    I hope everything works out for the best, keep your head held high, and know that there are people in this world you might not know personally that care deeply and want to help. You’ll be okay. **hug**

    Ontan April 21, 2019 4:01 am

    dont be sorry. just vent here whenever you need