Ranting time...... yaaaaaaay

Lana-kun April 18, 2019 9:03 am

So I don't get why certain individuals find it so GOD DAMN HARD to accept that homosexual people exist happily. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you have to accept us but at least talk about us in a less demoralising way. When I'm scrolling about the Web I don't except to be verbally attacked. Don't try to use religion to justify dehumanising people for something which shouldn't concern you. I shouldn't have to constantly feel like I need to defend myself from something I didn't choose. Exactly what does someone's private life matter to you? I don't need God. I don't need psychological help and I sure as hell don't need to be sent to some conversion therap thanks, Andrew. Nobody's asking you to marry or have sex with anyone. I love debating so please, ask to debate instead. But even then there's a fine line between hating and debating. In conclusion to this pointless stupid rant, just go about your life and I'll go about mine.
