How to get rid of a grudge?

CHNSR April 16, 2019 1:40 am

My friend, who's normally very bright, acted abnormally cruel to me one day. (no mental illness or anything influencing her). The next day, she acts as nothing happens. She apologizes with no emotion, and when I explained to her what I felt, she brushed it off and didn't say anything about it. A couple of days later, she was still acting as if nothing happened. She was so carefree. All of my other friends think I'm overreacting. And the excuse that one of my friends gave for when I asked why she brushed off my feelings, was that she was so "shocked" to see me get hurt that much. I'm still hurt by the way she acted. I want to get rid of this grudge, but I just can't get rid of it. Am I overreacting? How should I get rid of this grudge? Please give me all of the advice you have, I really need it <3

    ThotBeGone April 16, 2019 3:03 am

    I think it’s ok to be mad like that once in a while.. I know how you feel kinda ( ̄∇ ̄") my friends often poke at my weak spots or do things I don’t like(such as getting really touchy/etc) I have just built up a facade at this point since idk if they’ll ever stop ( ̄へ ̄)but I hope that you get to make up with your friend (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    daisyintherain April 16, 2019 3:15 am

    hey it's hard to tell you whether you are overreacting or not without knowing what actually transpired between the two of you. If you don't want to share bc it's too private, that's fine.

    The way I think is this: it's impossible to find a perfect friend. Incredibly difficult to find a good one. So if normally she's nice to you, and is just unintentionally mean to you on an impulse because she doesn't know it'll hurt you that much, forgive and forget.

    Maybe she really doesn't understand why you got upset over it, and was finding a hard time to apologize for things she believed she shouldn't be apologizing for. This happened to a friend of mine who played a prank on another friend of mine.Therefore, she tried her best to act like nothing happened and continued being friends with you. Maybe she was hurt too. The other friend was upset and made a fuss about it, while the other one thought it was just a harmless joke (it was). The point is, people see things differently. So try to see from her perspective as well.

    GoldenScale April 16, 2019 3:58 am

    Looks to me like she might have had a bad day when she treated you like that.
    Since she apologized, I think you should let it go, but before that, just be mad and take the time to calm down.
    Be upset and forgive when you're calmer.

    It's okay to be salty about it for a while. I've been salty about things my friends did sometimes for a few days, sometimes for a few months. (Of course, I was still friends with them and just avoided the subject in the process xD )
    Take your time.