Anyone wanna buy a shirt???

Scarletway01 April 15, 2019 9:10 pm

So its cheap ($16) and its for my GSA club (Gender Sexuality Acceptance) . You don't have to but here's the link if you want to check it out.

    Ziera April 15, 2019 9:33 pm

    -sips tea-
    This weirdly reminds me of this vine or something that I one saw. Idk if it was a vine or what tho. Anyway it was that some kids doing a car wash and someone pulled up and when they asked if he wanted to donate he asked "for what?" and then the one who answered it said it was for a good cause and was for their friend who was, I think they said transgender, and the guy replied "you call that a good cause?" and then there was a DUN DUN and that was it.

    anyway, idk why I explained all that but yea, that's what it made me think of for some weird reason.
    So, does the shirt say anything?

    Scarletway01 April 18, 2019 6:01 am
    -sips tea-This weirdly reminds me of this vine or something that I one saw. Idk if it was a vine or what tho. Anyway it was that some kids doing a car wash and someone pulled up and when they asked if he wanted... Ziera

    Ohhh I think I know what video you're talking about. Anyway, yeah at the top it says "we are all the same" and at the bottom it just has my school name