I need three people with accounts to help delete a topic a troll has made. they keep spamm...

Anonymous April 15, 2019 3:44 am

I need three people with accounts to help delete a topic a troll has made. they keep spamming a certain section of a certain manga, looking for attention, re writing it each time in different ways.. sometimes posing as innocent .. sometimes not. you don’t even have to read the manga. I just need you to 1.) not acknowledge or reply to the troll. all it does is give them the attention they want. 2.) do not create another topic above the troll talking about them saying “why did blah blah create this comment” bc once again you’re just giving them attention and it’s drags out for days 3.) (I will tell you three on your account page if you agree to help.. which btw make sure you allow anons to post on your homepage)

I ask this of you guys since mangago never wants to do anything about anonymous ppl who spam or harass others. I was wondering if any of you would be willing to help out?? I don’t trust posting the link to it yet bc there may be some other different troll who decides to worsen the situation.

    alexa06077 April 15, 2019 4:03 am

    umm have you heard about the big issue of the bot that has been harassing people here a few weeks ago? I believe that he was deleted. Could it possibly be the same person using a different account? The bot was posting a lot of links and he was harassing people saying that homo people are disgusting and Yaoi sucks etc.

    Anonymous April 15, 2019 4:19 am
    umm have you heard about the big issue of the bot that has been harassing people here a few weeks ago? I believe that he was deleted. Could it possibly be the same person using a different account? The bot was ... alexa06077

    no it's not the same one. so sad that there are so many different types of them eh? but nah. this is the type of troll thats wants to instigate fights and harasses people, spams with the same type of comment over and over etc. the other type of typical troll.

    this one is the type to try and instigate fights, character, or ship wars by writing a sort of fake 'hate' comment (put it in quotes bc we know its not real hate or a proper true analytical opinion bc 1.) a person usually just writes their opinion once and goes but this person writes it over and over annd over and when their topic f=goes to the next page, tey write it again so that its back to the topand it pisses off more people who came just recently came to read the story and don't know its a troll 2.) they keep writing it in diff ways just to piss ppl off (again spamming) 3.) sometimes they change the character or ship (they don't have a real opinion) 4.) they literally say they want people to reply back to them to under the pretense of a 'discussion' but in reality its just to call people stupid and say theyre shit etc. act superior. they write it about 89839 different times so that it causes chaos in the topic section and for people to argue back and forth for days in the topic section without there being any sort of resolution.. (hence why I mentioned, do not acknowledge w/ a new topic or reply to them). when the calm seems to have come, they come write back and start over again. sometimes their comments get deleted fast. others times not so much and it causes the fire to ignore over again. this is one of those times where their comment isn't being deleted fast enough and it could cause a riot in the comment section again.

    alexa06077 April 15, 2019 4:32 am
    no it's not the same one. so sad that there are so many different types of them eh? but nah. this is the type of troll thats wants to instigate fights and harasses people, spams with the same type of comment ov... @Anonymous

    ohh I see...wow I never knew there were different types of trolls.

    Anonymous April 15, 2019 4:38 am
    ohh I see...wow I never knew there were different types of trolls. alexa06077

    trolls are essentially just people who are trying to piss other people off, instigate fights.

    there are bot/link trolls like what you spoke of, racist trolls, homophobic trolls, annoying random trolls who will just write random unrelated things like 'the earth is square', exaggerative sjw trolls, etc. all sorts of diff types lol.

    what they all seek is attention and a fight. some are really good at playing just an 'innocent reader passing through' which can be hard for some to detect unless you're like me and you've seen them around for quite some time and see them write the same anon things over and over and never have the guts to say it with an account, but others are really obvious like the ones with links and stuff.

    Anonymous April 15, 2019 6:10 am


    Anonymous April 15, 2019 6:11 am

    just needs two more ppl to thumb it down.