I agree, I think that Theo is really afraid of losing Craig, so he wants to distance himself, thinking that will make it hurt less if something bad happens. Theo seems like he's afraid of his own vulnerability and the thought of needing someone as much as he needs his brother is really terrifying to him.
There are so many comments on here about how Theo sucks, so I just want to defend him because I honestly really like his character. He has his flaws, but I think his flaws make sense given his age and situation.
Like c’mon, the kids only in high school. He has a broken family and there is something in Theo and Craig’s past that has made Theo hostile towards Craig which may or may not be some sort of misunderstanding but I think a lot of kids who live through this sort of thing feel resentment towards their caretakers because the situations are shitty and they don’t have so the reasoning brainpower yet about it.
Also, Theo is used to loan sharks coming after them. So likely, to him, he is used to thinking this man is dangerous to me, but Craig is an adult and he will not be as dangerous to Craig because Craig is the guy who is supposed to deal with it. He doesn’t know who this guy is, he just knows that he wants something from Craig and the easiest way to make him non dangerous is to give that information. Plus, he’s scared and not thinking all that well.
And honestly, there’s a strong likelihood with the fact they’ve had people come after them before, that Craig has told Theo to tell these other guys where he is. Craig is definitely not surprised by Theo giving him up, he sounds relieved if anything.
I’m really looking forward to seeing Theo grow and to seeing Craig and Theo’s relationship get better. They probably have a lot of bad air to clean between them but I look forward to it.