Its just the 4th chap and I'm already hooked. This is something new and I am quite into it...

Shruggs April 13, 2019 3:07 pm

Its just the 4th chap and I'm already hooked. This is something new and I am quite into it now.
*Sigh* yet another manga update to look forward to...

    Artemis April 26, 2019 11:12 am
    OK. But you know, tastes like opinions reflects also our values and convictions as a human, even if it's just fiction. For my part, I will never enjoy to see him sleeps or falls in love or end up with that guy,... MangaSanctuary

    ok first, read the bloody genre tags before clicking on the fucking manga, because it clearly says ( unless u need a fucking translator or someone to read it out to u) psychological, which i assume u probably know it's meaning, and obviously if it's not to ur tastes honey then just slide pass.
    secondly, not everyone who reads this genre is what you assume they are, and it definitely does not show their personality or character, this is a genre that they either find interesting or the plots development interested them. i'm hooked because the characters roles aren't how most of us thought it would turn out based on the starting and their characteristics, instead it was swapped.
    thirdly, a fucking book/manga/novel is meant to contain fucking plots that either are too unrealistic or fake, a book can be about anything which gives us the opportunity to read them, and look at the authors point of view,opinions,and experience on whatever the books about, or just reading for entertainment.
    if this was currently happening in reality, in front of my own two eyes i would clearly take action, and books are there for you to learn or experience from someone else's experience and story while being safe. and it's a bloody book why are you comparing it to reality, no one had asked you to do that and obviously in mangas it's a whole lot of fiction and made up stories.
    lastly you probably misunderstood what i meant with those few words, what i meant to say was...." i'm hooked because of the swapped roles and because it's a new manga" and what's sad nowadays is how your coming out with 'your facts' and judgement on others without asking them what they like about the manga.

    Artemis April 26, 2019 11:58 am
    OK. But you know, tastes like opinions reflects also our values and convictions as a human, even if it's just fiction. For my part, I will never enjoy to see him sleeps or falls in love or end up with that guy,... MangaSanctuary

    and stop making urself sound like a fucking messiah, ur talking like you've never done anything bad in your life, and you were bullying not so fricking long ago, verbal bullying on others comments and opinions, and mockery is a bloody type of bullying in case you didn't know. also no one fucking said they liked the bullying shit, i mean i probably should have elaborated on what i commented but this falls towards yourself for misinterpreting the comment and concluding it on your opinion, also everyone knows what reality and fiction is, and in fiction reality doesn't exist, so don't bring reality up in here unless..... well you don't, and if you have the time to be commenting your 'greatness' as a good human being, i would like to see you putting an end to it, instead of wasting your time on us so called ' braindead people'. if you can't do shit about it in reality then don't talk like your the shit.
    also a good person is someone who can forgive in any situation. people change over time and that's what is probably going to happen. also your righteous trait is more of self-conceit then actually being 'a good person' or 'a righteous person' a righteous person wouldn't talk crap about another persons story and they definitely wouldn't side with their own opinions,you like to over cloud your judgement with what you see and speak.
    also you were your only defendant for your counter-argue and opinion.

    Artemis April 26, 2019 12:05 pm
    OK. But you know, tastes like opinions reflects also our values and convictions as a human, even if it's just fiction. For my part, I will never enjoy to see him sleeps or falls in love or end up with that guy,... MangaSanctuary

    crap now i feel sorry for you, now that i'm re reading my comments, but dw i completely understand your opinion, it's just the fact that you had to bring reality into fiction.

    MangaSanctuary May 7, 2019 12:09 pm
    crap now i feel sorry for you, now that i'm re reading my comments, but dw i completely understand your opinion, it's just the fact that you had to bring reality into fiction. Artemis

    OK, okay... you girls like that sort of fictions -whether the plot is going nowhere or has no sense in it... not even speaking of words such morals or justice-, as long as you find these intertaining.
    You speak like the fact it is fiction is a justification to like and eat everything-yaoi, lol. Hopefully we still live in a relatively free world. We obviously don't have the same standards at all, whether as reader or human being.
    I can read such and give a honest and constructive opinion - like I already did for this one- but to be "hooked", or like it, never.
    Someone said I only throw insults, it's not me who insult others here and give names in the first place, it's you girls. I gave my opinion on the plot and I said you "lack of empathy", these are insults?
    I only give compliments and encouragements when it is deserved, when we sense that an author can improve -art and especially story.
    This author does have a nice art, fine etc, but she likes to write absurd stories.

    No need to be a hero or Messiah (lol), to see that this author likes to write this kind of fucked up plots, terrible story lines that put together improbable couples. Here we have this Yaoi and the other of hers that's not better. But it's great for you if you like this kind of plot lol, and nobody really cares. I just find it sad that some can enjoy to see a character (MC here) being abused, ripped off of their money and that he'll might end up -due to some yaoi logic or magic- with their abuser; their revenge plan thrown by the window. For you, everything is alright "because it is fiction", lol. No comment.
    These are not "experiencing a different vision from the usual, under the cover of fiction and in security", this is simply major bad writing from the author.
    If you had read books about scenario writing, you would understand that.
    That author has set up a quite complicated and interesting past/background for their MCs, but then the rest is a train-wreck. Plan failed, problems non resoluted, actions that don't correspond to the set-up... Outside the fact that it is disappointing for many readers, this is a failed writing. Buutt... if you can wrap all of that under "psychological" or other excuse, fine for you, I'm not buying that.

    MangaSanctuary May 7, 2019 1:02 pm
    and stop making urself sound like a fucking messiah, ur talking like you've never done anything bad in your life, and you were bullying not so fricking long ago, verbal bullying on others comments and opinions,... Artemis

    I'd like to remind you that even if I find many human actions -whether reality or fiction- injust and terrible, I can't save everyone because I'm not God or am I godess. Such childish remark of yours. God himself has let humans to their sort, as Jesus, for a long time now. Lol. You, do you have by chance some powers? I guess no, lol again.
    But you can influence those arround you and the world, firstly by open up your heart and being more sensible and empathic towards those in need. Seeing the number of bullying victims IRL, the suicides that follow them... and seeing that most didn't help nor care, and even contributed to the tragedy, you won't make me believe that if such happens IRL, you'll always rescue the victims, knowing how much you enjoy this kind of plot. How many bullied victims did you personally help? Did you care?
    It is time for you to know that our tastes reflect also our values as humans, and fiction is not an excuse for accepting or liking everything.