You have a good argument, and I respect it.
But you can´t deny that it sounds quite "ironic" that Miwa doesn´t want to start dating officially with him, because of the risk of teacher-student relationship, when he has already had sex with Kazuki (And it was Miwa who started it) .
Honestly, your argument would be more solid, if who fell in love firs would had been Kazuki, and they would never have slept together.
Just say.

He applies the casual sex to everyone, Kazuki wouldn't be the exception just bc he's a student (Miwa has a dark side I guess). Which is why Miwa reached the conclusion that Kazuki might just like the sex and not Miwa himself. I mean it definitely happens, not everyone that has sex likes the person they had it with, I think what doesn't sit well with a lot of people is the age difference and the student-teacher thing, but just because Miwa is an adult (Likely in his 20's so not even that mature mentally) doesn't mean he can't make misjudgments and stupid and rash decisions

I agree, I noticed the age difference when it came to their complications. Teenagers are more likely to be rash and panicking about their feelings whereas Miwa is a bit more mature so he tries to remain calm and level headed about everything. I think the one issue is sometimes tho that Miwa is waaaaay too calm in a few of the beginning scenes, and it does really feel like he is manipulating Kazuki and honestly he has some bad/corny excuses to why he has to touch Kazuki in the first place but hey overall I think it's a really cute story despite the constant miscommunication haha
So am I the only one, literally, the ONLY ONE who thinks both Miwa's and Kazuki's attitude were reasonable to a certain degree? Let me explain... Kazuki is a boy in his teens probably in his 16's or 17's, who doesn't have any love experience, so when he falls for Miwa he falls hard so it's normal that he's immature towards some things and that he gets the usual insecure feelings such as "Does he love me as well?" "Is he gonna leave me?" "Am I not enough?", etc...
These feelings are heightened even more due to their age difference and the fact that they are student and teacher, which again justifies Miwa because as an adult and moreover a teacher he holds responsability when it comes to Kazuki, he doesn't want Kazuki to risk it all including his future, relationship with family, friends, etc... for being with him in a commited relationship.
Also you may think it's not the case but to be fair teenagers nowadays have a lot of casual sex without any attachments which is why Miwa comes to the conclusion that Kazuki simply enjoyed the sex they had and didn't REALLY like him in that way.
It's a more complicated situation than you might think initially so give Miwa a break lol. Actually scratch that, give the manga a break in general. I'm not saying it's a master piece, not even close, but it's pretty alright and even cute at times, it doesn't deserve the amount of shit it gets honestly compared to other more problematic works out there. Some of you sound like parrots repeating the same thing over and over again with "Miwa fucking up" and "The age difference being problematic" and so on. It's just a smutty yaoi manga, it ain't that deep.