Screw them. Who says that to another person??? "lol hope it's not too serious cya". Completely forget about them and walk and act past them like you've never met them in your life. I do that to people I cut ties with along time ago. It gets easier to do that. It may hurt a lil but remind your self that this person is shitty and you DONT need that negativity in your life rn. It worked for me when i was in school.

Be an alpha honey, as hard as it is you need to be an alpha and not let other people's word control/take over you, if it's negative. Also try not to make your ex-friend "the bad guy" instantly because who knows what's in his mind as well or how his mind works. Maybe he's just a type of person who doesn't like anything negative, that's why he said that. You both have a reason if have been asked both. But in your side, i want you to be an alpha, you know who you are and how you work, so someone's word should not affect you.
hey okay this isnt manga related, but i've been on hols for 3months and school starts again on monday, and basically i had this huge as fight right before hols started with one of my closest friends who i'd told everything to and we cut contact completely and i havent seen him since and honestly my anxiety and depression are acting up bc i dont know how im supposed to handle seeing him
(and for reference 'talking things out isnt an option' just bc the reason we even fought was bc he said my mental illness was too overwhelming and he said i was too sensitive and a alot of other mean and frankly unjustified stuff when he already knewi. was going through all this shit and also when i attempted suicide he said 'lol hope its not too serious cya')