The difference

LadyBelle April 13, 2019 2:18 am

The reason many people started working on doing fan translations of the work was to introduce Japanese Manga to an English speaking audience and prove there was a market for it. It was to share the love for the author with the world and people who would have no access. When a title is licensed, it is now available to the english market. The artist gets paid for their work, as does the people who put in time for translating and editing the work. Difference is like having a friend listening to a band you love, or standing outside the band's concert handing out cassette tapes you recorded at home. If authors can't make money from their work, they will have to stop creating manga and go to work at office jobs or selling fast food. How would you feel if someone told you that they really like the work you do, but not enough to actually pay you for your job, however you need to keep working because they are entitled to your work?

    Raven00 April 13, 2019 4:22 am

    Then gove me a website in which I can buy the English translation of this manga and there’s also the fact that you visit this website, have an account and who knows if from time to time read here too. Anyways I would be grateful for the link to buy the manga in. Have a good day. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Raven00 April 13, 2019 4:23 am


    Passerby-san April 13, 2019 7:20 am
    Then gove me a website in which I can buy the English translation of this manga and there’s also the fact that you visit this website, have an account and who knows if from time to time read here too. Anyways... Raven00

    Exactly! Where the hell am I supposed to find this translation??

    peacelovinjonesxyz April 13, 2019 3:43 pm
    Exactly! Where the hell am I supposed to find this translation?? Passerby-san

    I actually tried to find..... and it’s no where to be found. This the only site that has chapter 3 and 4

    LadyBelle April 13, 2019 4:46 pm

    Go to ebookrenta dot com and look either by the author Haruno Narita or by the title "Tie Me Down and Open Me Up" which not only includes all the chapters translated, but also extras.

    Sad April 14, 2019 3:55 am

    Ok but you do realize ANY manga you read on this site is technically stealing from the author right? SO why do you read any manga on this site in the first place if you believe we're jipping the authors of their hard earned money.. makes no sense. stealing from unlicensed OR licensed manga authors is still stealing. You can't just decide that one is LESS WRONG but still wrong nonetheless.. don't come on mangago if youre going to tell others that your wrongdoing is somehow better than others doing the same thing....