Uke x Prince

Something April 12, 2019 3:37 pm

I think it’s going to be the prince because I feel like uke sees the dragon as a child and acts very motherly to the dragon.

So the dragon might just have an one sided unrequited love like how a son wants to marry his mother when he’s little. Anyone else agrees?

    Haruhi April 12, 2019 5:31 pm

    I saw the raws. Dragon has an adult form and he kissed Suu. So I'm confused who to ship. Dragon x Suu, Prince x Suu or Prince x Dragon.

    AimyJewel April 12, 2019 6:00 pm
    I saw the raws. Dragon has an adult form and he kissed Suu. So I'm confused who to ship. Dragon x Suu, Prince x Suu or Prince x Dragon. Haruhi

    or a threesome WHO KNOWS?

    chasingOppas April 12, 2019 7:04 pm
    I saw the raws. Dragon has an adult form and he kissed Suu. So I'm confused who to ship. Dragon x Suu, Prince x Suu or Prince x Dragon. Haruhi

    What chapter is thaaat?

    nathaniel April 12, 2019 7:18 pm

    it really saddens me that a possible great story such as this is reduced to a mere concept such as "ships."

    Haruhi April 12, 2019 7:34 pm
    it really saddens me that a possible great story such as this is reduced to a mere concept such as "ships." nathaniel

    To each his own. You can enjoy it in your own way, and mine in my own way, and others in their own way. Others opinion, be it positive or negative, doesn't make the story less interesting for me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Something April 13, 2019 6:46 am
    I saw the raws. Dragon has an adult form and he kissed Suu. So I'm confused who to ship. Dragon x Suu, Prince x Suu or Prince x Dragon. Haruhi

    I don’t read Korean but a few chapters after chapter 61 showcases how the Prince makes Suu more at ease, and I think more open to the Prince?

    And Suu compares the Dragon’s indifferent glance to the Prince’s kindness, and I think a relationship with the kind Prince is one I can get behind.

    You’re free to ship the Suu with the dragon ofc but idk I think it’s going to be Suu x Prince.

    (But I’m gonna be wrong if it gets cliche and the nice guy finishes last.)

    Haruhi April 13, 2019 7:25 am
    I don’t read Korean but a few chapters after chapter 61 showcases how the Prince makes Suu more at ease, and I think more open to the Prince? And Suu compares the Dragon’s indifferent glance to the Prince�... Something

    Yeah, I agree. Actually, my first bet was Dragon x Prince. Suu and his childhood friend looks like an item. And I thought the dragon will get attached to the prince and it will developed into something ( but i was wrong). So, this one didn't sail for me.

    After reading ch6, it was Prince x Suu. But after looking at the raws I noticed that Suu x Dragon has potential too( just my own opinion ofc). I'm ok either Prince x Suu or Suu x dragon,.

    Haruhi April 13, 2019 7:34 am

    The prince needs the dragon to succeed the throne, so I'm curious with the conflicts and what will the prince and the dragon do. Anyways, the story is very interesting.

    nathaniel April 16, 2019 5:42 pm

    Sure, go ahead. You are free to like it however you want; even a shallow person like you has inherent rights to express their opinion.

    The3rdPew April 16, 2019 7:09 pm
    Sure, go ahead. You are free to like it however you want; even a shallow person like you has inherent rights to express their opinion. nathaniel

    Based on your words, you seem like an arrogant person. If you don't like reading about these "Ships" and "SHALLOW COMMENTS" from SHALLOW PEOPLE like us, you shouldn't be reading these types of books. Read Shakespeare, hemingway, mark twain etc. You definitely won't be saddened by other people's comments.
    If you want to make an in depth review of this manga, go ahead. But please, don't look down on others "SHALLOW" comments. Not everyone is like YOU.

    chasingOppas April 16, 2019 9:03 pm용이_비를_내리는_나라_21화.html용이_비를_내리는_나라_61화.html Haruhi

    Shooot I wanna hug u and give u all the food that u deserve for this lol thanks btw

    nathaniel April 16, 2019 11:20 pm
    Based on your words, you seem like an arrogant person. If you don't like reading about these "Ships" and "SHALLOW COMMENTS" from SHALLOW PEOPLE like us, you shouldn't be reading these types of books. Read Shake... The3rdPew

    Oh, it's not arrogant. It's just that your views are objectively childish.

    Something April 16, 2019 11:53 pm
    it really saddens me that a possible great story such as this is reduced to a mere concept such as "ships." nathaniel

    I don’t you’re completely wrong, but what counts as a great story? Isn’t it subjective?

    And aren’t ships an effect of literary analysis? For example, I ship Suu and the Prince because I constantly see the intentions of the creator’s symbolisms, imageries, dialogue, and among other things supporting my claim.

    Or I can claim that the beginning of the story should’ve start at the end of chapter six because the visual imagery there is more powerful and will embed a stronger a visual motif for the ending if the creator chooses to.

    The latter analysis is harder for the majority to take in, but ship is one of the simplest form of literary analysis for anyone to comprehend.

    I think a great story is one that can stand the test of time, epitomizes the spirit of its time, an analogy for something greater than itself, or anything one can claim that makes a “great story”.

    But what’s most important is that the story must be talked/converse about to even be consider a candidate for a great story. That can start at “ships” (Bc it’s the easiest to form), and then them from that to whichever literary way you want to.

    If you would like to converse about other literary aspects of the story that can make it a “great story”, I can personally be your partner. I too have long for someone who can comprehend my tendency to analyze every literary and artistic work through the lens of existentialism and symbolic motifs.

    The3rdPew April 17, 2019 7:24 am
    Oh, it's not arrogant. It's just that your views are objectively childish. nathaniel

    Calling someone a shallow person because their views is different from yours, and you don't even personally know the person. yes, indeed ,you are arrogant.

    Haruhi April 17, 2019 7:35 am
    Shooot I wanna hug u and give u all the food that u deserve for this lol thanks btw chasingOppas

    You're welcome. I want popcorn btw. Lol

    Haruhi April 17, 2019 7:59 am
    Oh, it's not arrogant. It's just that your views are objectively childish. nathaniel

    Ok. Our views is shallow, but why do you care? And what do you expect to talk about here when there are only 6 chapters posted? It really saddens me that you have to react on our shallow and childish views instead of writing a thorough and objectively adult like review.

    nathaniel April 17, 2019 10:35 am
    I don’t you’re completely wrong, but what counts as a great story? Isn’t it subjective? And aren’t ships an effect of literary analysis? For example, I ship Suu and the Prince because I constantly see t... Something

    The issue isn't how I see this story as something that could be great; the issue is that I find the idea of ships in this particular story and within the given timeline (in this site, at least) quite saddening to acknowledge.

    I don't necessarily detest the concept of shipping characters; but I have problems with this when it has no concrete foundation or when it becomes the most discussed subject when there are more interesting ideas to explore (This however is something that I cannot control or want to control. People are free to do what they want).

    When that happens, I think that it becomes more on the side of indulging in a literary framework that takes away the integrity of the plot and the characters. I am not an author to say the least, but if I were, I probably would feel sad that the readers who read my story that I worked so hard to build (the narrative, the setting, the characters, the plot, the theme, etc.) focused on this idea, especially so early in the story, without even knowing who the characters truly are.

    I think this kind of thinking entails the idea that a reader does not fully grasp, or worse, care about the meaning and essence of the story. Imagine thinking like this in Game of Thrones, for example, I personally would find it a bit absurd that someone would ask, "Who should John Snow be with?" That line sounds like the beginning of a fan fiction and I do not like fan fiction (but that is a story for another day).

    nathaniel April 17, 2019 10:44 am
    Ok. Our views is shallow, but why do you care? And what do you expect to talk about here when there are only 6 chapters posted? It really saddens me that you have to react on our shallow and childish views inst... Haruhi

    This kind of argument, "why do you care," is literally a black hole and one that I am tired of responding to so this is what I am going to say instead, you have every right to be offended to what I said and every right to correct me; but you also have to respect that I have the same right of pointing out my views even though it contradict yours.

    Now, I care because I care about the story and the characters, even though it is still not that long.
    I care because the story managed to evoked emotions from me.
    I care because someone worked hard for this.
    I care because I want someone's hard work to be acknowledged.
    I care because I am a reader.

    Granted, of course, that my feelings for this story may change in the future.

    Haruhi April 17, 2019 11:09 am
    This kind of argument, "why do you care," is literally a black hole and one that I am tired of responding to so this is what I am going to say instead, you have every right to be offended to what I said and eve... nathaniel

    You are entitled to you own opinion. I respect that. The other's and my reaction is based on the manga, but your reaction is based on our "childish views", that is the difference. Different people, different views. We can't just enforce a standard because we think that that is right.

    This is yaoi, it has romance. Shipping characters is inevitable with or without concrete foundation. This is not just a typical adventure story. As time goes by, as we read more of the story, our views will surely change. People will have different reaction.

    I also care about this manga but I also respect others opinion, be it childish/shallow or not, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody.