
So, I haven't responded to anything in almost a year, it's been tough over the past few months, but I would like to thank you, this was nice an wholesome. If ella and the others were still active they would say the same thing, though it's a bit messed up how toxic I was being sometimes. Thank you anon.
I have made more than 10 accounts here and deleted them all.
I have read enough manga for a lifetime.
I have written here more than I have written on paper .
I have invested my time and passion here for so long.
No regrets, it was a pleasant phase in my life.
I have to say goodbye now, forever. Really this is it guys. I know a lot of u by name and character. I have watched ppl go and never come back. I have watched ppl come around a lot too. I have read a lot of stories, problems, shared vent. I feel like I guys are a family .
That is why I feel obligated to bow to u guys and really thank u for taking care of this wandering soul, thank u for answering my vent and answering my questions. Thank u for ur words and ur agreement and disagreements.
I have to say goodbye. It is that time for me. I’m always like this. I experience every single thing in a phase and I never stay nor make things stay. It is just my nature. I have to say goodbye and I think I won’t be here anymore to check on any of u! :(
I really want y’all to be happy and START RIGHT NOW. work on urself to be happy right now.
Those who want to lose weight, do it.
Those who have troubles with their sexuality/live life...I just wanna say we are just phases in ppl’s lives so live ur life accosting ur OWN judgment.
Be responsible, take charge of ur life guys.
Fight negativity.
Fight ur inner demons.
And lastly take care of urselves y’all.
I don’t think I will come here anymore but I’m gonna miss each and everyone one of u. Really I mean it. Some names here !!
@Being-u ( I finished ur lists already lmfao, I already thanked u!! But again thank u really, as I said before u r so smart omo I’m jealous and I m also the one who is in the medical field as u!! :(( )
@dragobonita u helped me a lot before and I was anonymous. U r such a kind a loving person that I wish u happiness whole heatedly really. Have a nice life!
@phasethemoon , @bts stole yo jams ... u guys are really funny with fine taste.
@ermar @hamesthejames @nana @ella... I guess u guys were a gang? Lmfao u guys were cute tho (I no longer see u guys anymore :( )
Sorry again, yeah I was the one that had a fight with u, was a really bad day :(
@youreadthiswrong I fought so much with u lmfao, I guess we can agree to disagree anyways have a nice summer!!
@littlebirdy u might not know it, but I really made me happy with a comment u made to my post. It was really something and I really appreciate it.
@kyozana keep up the good work famm, don’t mind the haters, people only throw rocks at people that shine
Yeah I was the one who loved ur lists and asked u to add golden days :)) thank u for ur fine taste and generosity to actually listen to my request.
@thereisalwaysabut ...@vikikiki @zeus
And a lot IM SORRY a lot of other people I failed to recall their usernames but I still love u equally!!
I guess this is it for me, stay healthy and happy guys!! Always be happy and look forwards and forget the past.
Really thank u. And goodbye.
I’m off now, *bows deeply* (▰˘◡˘▰)
The End.