Did I just imagine it or there was a chapter/panels here somewhere where Heesoo went to Dojuns’ office before and he tried to soround his pheromones on Heeso just to test if he will react to it? Though I can’t find it here or on the prev chapters? Haha
Waah! Sorry and Thank you! I mixed it up when i re-read the season one and thought i red it from the last season in Dojun and Heeso scene! ( ̄∇ ̄"). Thanks! Hehe
Waah! Sorry and Thank you! I mixed it up when i re-read the season one and thought i red it from the last season in Dojun and Heeso scene! ( ̄∇ ̄"). Thanks! Hehe
Did I just imagine it or there was a chapter/panels here somewhere where Heesoo went to Dojuns’ office before and he tried to soround his pheromones on Heeso just to test if he will react to it? Though I can’t find it here or on the prev chapters? Haha