If you dont like it then by all means dont read it. No one here is forcing it on you and we won't diss you if you decide to drop it but just remember that the author is in no way shape or form making this comic for you and that you, as well as the rest of us, are reading this illegally. This isn't a slice of life so coincidences like this can happen and even irl things like this can still happen (albeit the chances are slim). Some people do have first loves that they don't truly know. The heart moves in strange ways and we cant always control who we're infatuated with even if we know better. I personally dont like a lot of sex scenes or girly ukes either but that's my preference and I'll choose to continue reading because i see potential in this. It isn't fast paced nor is it slow paced (at least not yet but keep in mind that I havent read the raws) and all comics are bound to have one or two cliches.
I respect your opinion but your dislikes obviously outweigh your likes so by all means please drop this story and let others enjoy it

I literally said that I'm definitely not reading this (it's actually on my dropped tag since I wrote this comment), but I wanted to give my opinion first because I have the right to.
You said it, "they don't truly love" which implies a different thing. But it's IMPOSSIBLE for you to fall for someone that you dont know at all. Not physically not as a person, literally NOTHING. He was sleeping and because he felt a hand on his forehead for a /second/, he opened his eyes for a /second/--and that was all. That can't be a first love. That's not how it works, period. You need at least to know something, anything, about that person. And even in these cases, people tend to mistake a first crush with a first love but oh well, that's still acceptable because to each their own.
btw. Of course I know the author owes me nothing, that doesn't mean I can't have my thoughts on her work on the site I read it. Bringing up the fact that we're not paying for this is kinda hypocrite, even if I know your comment wasn't malicious and you included yourself. I actually buy my shit on Tappytoon and Lezhin (I even have on hold the stories that aren't my priority anymore but I want to finish because I don't want to start reading them for free). I buy my doujinshis, my mangas. Yes, I read for free new things on here and see if I like them enough to pay but believe me I'm not one of those who gets all free and just complains. I'm also not going to the authors' social media to attack them or something so I don't see why I can't say how something I read made me feel... Mainly when there's a comment section and feedbacks won't be always positive.
And, look, I could say the same about you, no one here is forcing my comment on you. It doesn't make sense imo. You happen to read something and you have the right to comment on the topic, right? dw that I'm not coming back here to shit on this story, I'm not a hater just for having a negative opinion on it.

You expressed my thoughts, although these might be unpopular.
Agree that the fact Seme found the Uke attractive when he first saw him in the infirmary while half asleep can't be count as a "first love".
The MC falls too rapidly for Uke, while Uke was not so honest to him and, like, leads a double game with him.
I also dislike the chara design of the Uke here, especially his hair style and the way he's acting all nice and smile but indeed may hide his true self.
I'll add that I really dislike the fact that Uke has slept with his step brother (incest), while he surely didn't even like this latter; like he's so weak he does whatever that bastard told him to do... -_-
He acts like he's so pure and innocent while he's not. Disappointing.
The sex scenes don't bother me, but lead the story in a sudden direction that look too different from its base.

Sameee I agree completely with you!!
I was just thinking myself how much I don't like the usual difference of "power dynamics" in couples. For example:
-when one is the obsessed idiot who is foolishly in love with the other no matter what (the one that no one likes), and also the one who always gets hurt in the end;
-the other is the super beautiful boy who is liked by everyone, with no flaws, the one who always save the day and with the perfect personality.
I mean I can understand how it is like that also in real life sometimes (or most of the times)...but I hate it deeply! I can't read mangas that follow this pattern, because I find them boring...always hoping for the "weak" one of the couple to redeem himself/herself, but he/she never does.
I thought I was the only one to notice and hate it...most people seem to like it. Which is also quite understandable, because this differences of power are part of animals and we fall in them as well, it's biology.
Not all couples in mangas (or in life) are like that though. I like when there is understanding and respect from both parts...it makes the relationship more interesting and healthier in my mind.
Things I liked about this so far:
> The art style.
> The CONCEPT of meeting again with your first love... sadly,
Things I disliked about this so far:
> The premise is ridiculous. Having as a first love someone you actually didn't know is. And, ugh, just, please. Some authors really need to come back down to earth from time to time and study a lil more how real life works. Sure, fiction is nice and all, we love some clichés and things that can be a little unrealistic but this is too much. It's, as I said, ridiculous. The same goes for the so-convenient scenes in the infirmary. What a coincidence the second time went just like the first time they "met" (but not really met)... It's too convenient and forced.
> Of course all this make the pacing to be too rushed and MC is already acting like if he's head over heels for someone he doesn't know and who has done nothing to impact his life except for smile and ~be cute~. And key word here is "head over heels" because of course you can start liking someone for shallow reason but dude, give me some break. No wonder his first love used to be someone he didn't know when he's this intense, lmao.
> I hate unbalanced dynamics. Dudes that are overwhelming and obsessed with their love interest while the latter is oblivious and/or confused and/or into another person--is a turn off for me.
> I actually don't like Sunny's design. I dislike moe-like, somewhat girly, characters. And of course, because he's ~so cute~ (and the bottom), dudes will fight for him. Even the scene with the MC fighting with a student for who deserved to hold Sunny's arm made me roll my eyes. Idc if it wasn't serious, lol.
And then, we have the raws where (SPOILERS):
> Third wheel is apparently his bro? Anyways, it's funny that I commented something similar on "Walk on Water" (that I was worried about some love triangle drama with these exact characteristics in the future) but this is exactly the kind of shit I hate (and the route I hope for WOW to not take but sorry I keep digressing). I really dislike when another dude interfere between the main couple and he happens to be a crazy manipulative bitch. If I want that, I just have to watch a Spanish speaking soap opera (aka telenovela).
> Call me weird but I actually don't like sex scenes everywhere and just for the sake of have them. It bores me and I find them unnecessary. Also it seems like their rs is just that. Like, they can't be together if they don't get in each other's pants.
So yeah, sorry for my long ass rant to say that I'm definitely not reading this, lol (then again, the comments section is for people to give their opinion).