THiS is CliCHe~

kyo5dino April 9, 2019 8:55 pm

Why all the hate over this manga lmaoo . I mean I get why some people would dislike it considering there's over hundreds of stories about teacher x student that are probs better executed but uh, this is as basic as you can get and it's pure fluff with teeny dramas sprinkled. Anyways, 7/10 coz trust me, I've read so much worse at least this drama isn't all that complicated. I respect other people's opinion but yalls comments with "this is trash" and "this is cliche" is just as unoriginal as this manga.
TEEHEE (⌒▽⌒)

    beanie April 10, 2019 10:31 am

    yeye true, the other ones that are teacher x student are usually more dramatic and SADDER, so I kinda like how this one isn't too deep. We getting a lil bit of everything OWo