I mean, to each their own. If you can't or choose not to support the creators then as much as it makes me sad, it's not like I can force you to do it.
But why do people get so irate just because others post the link to the Tapas site? It's just a way to give access to those that CAN or WANT TO support them :u
I want the creators to keep making what they're making and to do that, they gotta make a living from it lol

It’s not like that, there are people on where who are reading for free but will condemn others for doing the same thing or whine about illegal posting but they damn well know mangago is an illegal site but yet they are also on here reading illegally. Those are the people my comment is directed towards. Hope you understand what I’m trying to say. By all means, support the artists if you can. I have both tapas and lezin and I sometimes support when I can.
Did some of you just create an account to complain about pirating or are you also reading free shiit on this site? Everyone on this mangago is guilty of pirating so STFU with your whining about illegal posting... I said what I said.