You did not see the constructive criticism in my comment? I briefly stated exactly what was wrong. Its common sense that the author will love their work so I don't get what you mean by taking that into consideration. Even if someone bashes her work, its still their right. It wouldn't be a good argument but that's besides the point. I also don't get the point about no creator is perfect. No shit. That's not how people saying "negative" statements think. They don't think a creator should be perfect. Also my comment was directed at a commenter. If something is bad, people will say its bad and with whatever language they choose. I am all for constructive criticism.
there is no such thing has perfect XD everyone have the right to have an opinion even if you don't agree with it. DEAL WITH IT!
and? so what if they love their story? it still bad and was created in a bad way, using bad cliche, bad trop's, no logic at all. that's not how a plot should be.
it's not about feelings, it's about the plot - that's it. if you can't get it, LEARN TO DEAL WITH IT!
Girl, I feel you. This was...really bad, in its characters, plot and development. I criticize this as a person who was a fan. You can really see how it declined over time and that got me frustrated. Criticisms are important so that they can avoid making the same mistakes again. This webtoon was just so disappointing.
To hazy,
Just because someone put a lot of effort into a work, doesnt mean they deserve any fucking praise. If that's how things worked, then what's the point of awards. I would want someone to tell me my creation is shitty if its shitty. You don't get a fucking participation award. Only disney does that stupid shit. Your lesson about "treat others how you want to be treated", I guess that means you want people to lie to this author's face and tell her her work is absolutely amazing when in reality OBJECTIVELY, her work was shit. If you don't know how a story should be structured and the important elements it needs to have to be a good story, then might as well not argue. Censor free speech is the lesson you're trying to teach people. This story was an absolute terrible story. Started off well and then dragged on a plotline about an antagonist who we didn't know much about while also having no progress happen for about 20+ chapters, showing fanservice of the three. Sigh.... your comment is the exact reason nobody will improve and learn that others have different opinions. How come your is valid but when its a "negative" opinion its not?