thank goooddd a person with brain tell those bitches to shut the fuck up

This coming from someone who has an account in Mangago?!! Wow, Pot meet Kettle!!! Hypocrisy, thy name is @greyhud90!

I dunno, maybe because no one on your side was telling your minions to stop even when it has escalated to this degree? And by that maybe it was a silent encouragement to fan the flames of rage? Seriously, one moron from YOUR SIDE and the WHOLE OF MANGAGO got to suffer as well? Let me throw back what your people kept asking, Are YOu Happy Now?!!

Are you stupid? Do you have shit for brains? Like the person above said: THIS IS MANGAGO!!!! Free loading is a given! Why do you fuckers even come here in the first place? Do you get a rise out of whining, complaining and bitching? And stop with the holier-than-thou schtick that you people have going on! You have accounts in Mangago! So either you use it for reading (freeloading) or use it to troll the website! So before throwing stones, get a good long look in the mirror you hypocrite!

Ok, so i'm sorry if it looked like i didn't care. At this point I really shouldn't To clarify i've made 2 topics on this issue asking for people to stop coming on here and bashing on an issue that's been known among the translators for a while now. I've also been linking the discord server for those who want to support the translators directly. I'm not even a moderator in the discord, and i asked one of the moderators themselves if i could explain the situation on our side. I guess no one cared to read my posts, because people from our side kept burying my own comments, and we don't know if everyone complaining is in our community. Also, the translators themselves asked the Impatient Community to stop coming here. Thanks for assuming that i'm taking amusement in an issue that's been dragged for 4 days.

"Also, the translators themselves asked the Impatient Community to stop coming here. "
Then who do you suppose is the idiotic asshole (@greyhud90) raging above? Is it one of the translators or one of their idiotic sheep?

None of the translators even notified about rae being updated on mangago to the people in the community. We notified them, and people (not the translators) started hearing about rae being uploaded here and started witch hunting. No one that is raging here from the server really is a sheep of the translators, it's just a small portion of the server acting up for no reason on mangago, this is LnS drama all over again.

What the fuck are you doing?! The people in the Discord have been lying low already, but I've been watching you on the channel and you've been constantly stirring up shit ever since you joined!! The ass-kissing is one thing but perpetually picking at scabs and digging things up and dragging things out AGAIN is so not cool!! I've been part of that discord for a long time and I can personally tell you, we don't care much for you. are you that hard up for attention that not only will you not let sleeping dogs lie but that you'd kick them too? Napaka Desperada mo naman! Go have an actual face-to-face social interaction. That way you won't be as desperate on the internet. Notice already that we're doing our best to ignore you in the channel but you just keep yapping on, i wonder how you're not embarrased.
Once again, stop dragging things up both on the Discord, as well as here. nobody cares anymore, not the past issues and most certainly about you.
Why the fuck are you people coming here to rage?!! The fact of the matter is that these chapters came from someone who had access to your Google Drive, which means that person is a member of the Impatient Community himself/herself! It's only common sense!! So why don't you do all the raging, all the posting of "I YOU'RE HAPPY..", "FUCK THE PERSON WHO UPLOADED", "STOP UPLOADING" and all the rest of this bullshit and go do it in the Discord channel. Let me reiterate: THE PERSON WHO UPLOADED IS AN ACTUAL MEMBER OF IMPATIENT COMMUNITY!!! So stop taking it out on the members of Mangago who only came here to read!!! If you must insist upon this witchhunt, the culprit is in your own backyard, so gather your pitchforks and do all the raging back in your community! This is MANGAGO Damnit!! We came here to read amnaga/manhwa with no strings attached and definitely DRAMA-FREE!!!