haero literally left him twice and the last time he make it sound so final, Don devastated, he lost hope plus his mother expected him to have a perfect family, there's too much to carry, so many reason for him not to find haero and thats make sense. he wont take the risked just to find him and got left again

I also feel like Don should have gone to look for Haero as well but if you think about how Don feels then maybe he was to heartbroken to look for him! I understand that if Don looked for Haero when he finally stabilized, they would be in a much happier situation but Haero did leave Don twice. Maybe because of this, Don was to afraid to see Haero because Don knows that if Haero tries to run again, there’s nothing he can do but be in a heartbroken state again! And I’m sure as heck that he doesn’t wanna feel that way again!!!
The whole time I don’t understand is, why Don didn’t go around and find haero? I mean after everything has become steady? Was his hope broken after haero ran away? Is that it? Does that love strong enough to call love when you don’t go after that person? Haero is Wrong on one point but Don never actually try to find him? ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ