True, I really like her personality, but the fact that she doesn't show any hatred for her fiance after he did all that to her makes me kinda mad at her. I get that she really loved him, but that love is making her hold onto him which is why she can't forget about him. She needs to realize that she's in a new body and that she is free from all of that. If she doesn't overcome that fear and trauma, she will go through all of it again and that is a big NO NO. OOF I don't know about the silver hair guy, I feel like he will be a little like her fiance. I REALLY like the blond boss, I want her to ends up with him, but if she doesn't, then oh well.

Same. I think she should end up with the blond boss too, but that's not likely, unfortunately...
Silver hair guy just puts me off for some reason. When they were first meeting, in his house, he got too close, too fast in my opinion, I was super glad mc was on her guard.
I think it's alright if she let go of her fear and trauma gradually, since these things take time, but I want her lingering feelings to vanish completely and for her to hate her fiance. She deserves too, and she should.
She'd damn near be a saint if she didn't.

LOL exactly, also the way the silver haired dude judged her when he said "that's a real women" and made her feel bad (just because she can't cook), just gave me the feeling that he... is an ASSHOLE! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 She deserves someone that loves and respects her for herself and not make her feel bad for what they think she lacks. She definitely deserves a life full of happiness, but she's needs to realize her hate for that other asshole fiance of hers and make his life shit before she moves on. And then live happily ever after! T H E E N D (=・ω・=)

I can't blame, her, but honestly, it's a little annoying cause it's not really realistic. I think that deep inside that she's still denying what her younger sister and the asshole did to her. At the very least, there was a moment, where she was contemplating who killed her, and she thought it might be her sister, cause some things matched up, but she immediately brushed the thought aside.
I was like, girl, this person betrayed you and is feeding off of your fame, why are you trying to defend her???
Obviously, I know that overcoming her trauma will take time, and probably needs professional help. That's not the annoying part. It's the part that she still somehow believes in the people who betrayed her, or denying potential crimes they've committed, and the fact that she doesn't hate them at all???? Like, I understand the fear, like, of course she'd be scared. But why doesn't she harbor any animosity toward these people who betrayed her? As a human being, it's pretty unrealistic in my opinion.

But it's not as if she doesn't care about it. She's obviously scarred by the impact of their actions.
Not to mention, she has this prideful personality, and she was put down, used, abused, traumatized, and betrayed by these people. I don't see why she wouldn't hate them. Maybe not hate them in an "I'll take everything away from them as they did to me," but at least something like "I hate them. I'll never forgive them." or "I never want to see them again. Not after what they did." I feel like that's just natural.

so true she could have started a new life but nopoooooo she is still hanging onto Pei, the reason why she's still hanging onto Pei is because he treated her roughly but gave her the right amount of love afterwards ( the mc sister actually explains it to the mc as to why Pei treats her like that) and because of that she wouldn't be able to let go or forget Pei, also Pei is her first love so ofc the ''abuse and then treat her kindly afterwards'' would work on her also because she was pampered and everything and then having something unexpected done to you would leave you scared for the rest of your life (especially in this situation) because she never thought something like that would happen i guess this is another reason as to why she couldn't forget and while you read u will realise everything she does links back to Pei which clearly shows she is still wrapped around his pinky.

it was the younger sister that killed her, seriously u didn't know and true it was sooo dumb that no one was recording her live, or at least a stalker could have had like night spy glasses ( the thing that sees in the dark) and didn't they have freaking lights the DUMBSHITS on their fucking phones,, I MEAN WHO THE FUCK SERIOUSLY COULDN'T SEE THAT, THERE WAS ALSO CAMERAS FUCKING RECORDING LIVE LIKE WTH I MEAN THE SCENE WHERE SHE DIED WAS JUST STRAIGHT UP DUMB, they could have killed her in a different and more realistic way xddd not in some bullshit way where everyone could have actually seen her die ( if this was in real life tho people would have actually seen her getting stabbed i mean lights, cameras, recordings bitch there's all the proof, but noo in the manga version they made it look like shit) FUCKING NOW MY FUCKING EXPLANATION DOESN'T EXPLAIN SHIT AND IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE UGHHHHHH
Everyone who's around the mc are kinda like, BITCH ASS DISGUSTING PEOPLE.
With exception of her black haired boss (not her VILE fiancee), the silver-haired boss, Luoluo, and the blonde boss(best character in my opinion)
Literally, I got so pissed reading this. Most of the characters are trash.
The mc's actually pretty good, but it's a little frustrating having to watch her go through so arduous trials because of those fucking nasty people.
What I also noticed is that she's a little naive for someone who's been trampled on and went through those terrible things. She doesn't seem to harbor much hatred either, just fear. Which is a little annoying.