Jowoon is what i like to call "pretty trash" he's pretty to look at but trash is trash at the end of the day. Haesoo is more understandable to me cuz he does understand how fucked up he is and wants change. What change? We dont know but he's trying something. From what i gathered in the story this is how joowon always acted so idk how the mc supposed to magically understand that Joowon loves him?(if he really does cuz I have a hard time believing its love.) I see joowon lusting over haesoo's body and being possessive over it while assuming Haesoo will always come back.
But op didnt mention taku at all. Shes talking about Joowon and Haesoo. If taku ends up being an asshole that doesn't make Joowon less of a prick? It gets under people's skin when a known asshole tries to act innocent so its understandable for ppl to be bothered by joowon. I have ppl like that in real life and I have to refrain from puching them in the face on a daily
I don't care what anyone says, Jowoon is a prick who pretends not to be. I like him but he is just as bad as Heasoo. I really hate when people paint someone as a good person when they aren't. Especially when people excuse someone's behavior only because they are attractive. He's an asshole and yeah he probably does love Heasoo but let's be real. Their relationship is taboo especially in S. Korea.