Takano pov

ArcticShadow March 31, 2019 10:11 pm

Read the small print at the bottom of the last page, and there are two chapters from Takano's POV in one called End Start Line!

    Looosee7 April 8, 2019 6:08 am

    You're right, but it's a shame that no one has translated it yet, I think it's really another beautiful manga to read by sensei Aki Ueda.
    You can find it here

    crazycatlady68 May 7, 2019 5:43 pm
    You're right, but it's a shame that no one has translated it yet, I think it's really another beautiful manga to read by sensei Aki Ueda.You can find it here://www.nicoobook.com/archives/1209179.html Looosee7

    there's nothing there :( only 404

    Looosee7 May 7, 2019 8:31 pm
    there's nothing there :( only 404 crazycatlady68

    Please look at this

    crazycatlady68 May 8, 2019 12:39 pm
    Please look at this https://www.nicoobook.com/p/1209179 Looosee7