I do not condone starving yourself or forcing vomit just so you can lose weight. Rather I recommend just starting with eating at least the reccomended amount of calories per day to lose weight and some excercise. It does not even need to be strenuous, you can lose weight just walking. I'm im no way a professional and I believe an expert is even more helpful then a manga website. The methods above are dangerous and can be considered mentally ill, you can die if you do not know what you are doing. Just be safe and don't worry too much about your weight.

I know I'm just a nobody on the internet but don't do it. It's not worth it. I get that you wanna lose weight fast and easily, but even if you take such risks for your health and body and DO lose weight, you'll gain it all over again. You have to be consistent with and the best way is to exercise. I'm not saying go to the gym and shit like that because not everyone can afford it, me included, but you can try jogging whenever you can, eat more healthily, etc...
What are the unhealthy ways to lose weight? I’m going to diet and I basically know that starving yourself and throwing up are some of the ways but I kind of want to know more. What do people do to lose weight fast but is wrong?