How NOT to lose weight.

KimChae March 31, 2019 6:57 am

What are the unhealthy ways to lose weight? I’m going to diet and I basically know that starving yourself and throwing up are some of the ways but I kind of want to know more. What do people do to lose weight fast but is wrong?

    민지 March 31, 2019 7:05 am

    Maybe I'm wrong and you're just curious, but how do we know you're not going to use those methods on yourself???

    Something March 31, 2019 7:05 am

    Purposefully get yourself heart broken. It’s the fastest and very healthy way to lose weight in my opinion.

    Lala March 31, 2019 7:05 am

    Loosing weight unhealthy almoat allways results regaining the wait making it jarder to loose weight in the feture and over all sickness. Loose weight the right way!

    Right in the kokoro March 31, 2019 7:15 am

    Fasting, or water diet. Military diet.

    민지 March 31, 2019 7:31 am
    Fasting, or water diet. Military diet. Right in the kokoro

    Fasting will kill you.

    AnhTran March 31, 2019 7:57 am
    Fasting will kill you. 민지

    Actually fasting doesn't kill you if you know what are you doing. Fasting can have a lot of benefits, including improved health, longevity, weight loss, etc. I believe this is bc when you eat 3-4 meals a day, your body has to work constantly to digest and convert the food to energy. But when you fast, your body has a chance to take a break and heal itself. This is actually the method our ancestors used back in the day where foods were not always available. There are different types of fasting too like intermittent fasting, one meal a day, and water fasting. I have seen some studies and experiments where this lady fasted for 21 days and she cured her cancer and this one guy on YouTube fasted for 7 days and he cured his back pain. Intermittent fasting is also very popular these days where people eat for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours.

    민지 March 31, 2019 8:08 am
    Actually fasting doesn't kill you if you know what are you doing. Fasting can have a lot of benefits, including improved health, longevity, weight loss, etc. I believe this is bc when you eat 3-4 meals a day, y... AnhTran

    I know water fasting is good, it helps you detox, but I'm talking about 2-3 days. Not almost a whole month. Most people who go through fasting don't know what they're doing. Also, water fasting isn't that good, you'll lose all the weight, but if you slip once you'll gain it back double.
    I do agree Intermediate fasting is healthier and it works wonders from what I've seen.

    KimChae March 31, 2019 8:37 am
    Maybe I'm wrong and you're just curious, but how do we know you're not going to use those methods on yourself??? 민지

    I am simply curious because I have people telling me different things that I kinda doubt but I’m not sure

    민지 March 31, 2019 8:51 am
    I am simply curious because I have people telling me different things that I kinda doubt but I’m not sure KimChae

    Okay... What are you not sure about? I just hope you don't try anything awful to try and lose weight fast. Please do a healthy diet. I don't know you, but the way you wrote your question really worried me. (^_^;;;)

    AnhTran March 31, 2019 9:26 am
    I know water fasting is good, it helps you detox, but I'm talking about 2-3 days. Not almost a whole month. Most people who go through fasting don't know what they're doing. Also, water fasting isn't that good,... 민지

    i dont know about gaining back the weight, but I know fasting can reset your palate and cure sugar craving. Contradict to many people believe, after the fast, you can't binge eating right away bc your body will not be use to it. You have to eat liquid food first, like green juice or watermelon for a few day before moving on to solid food. At first, like most people, I thought people who fast are crazy bc it is like starving yourself to loose weight, but when I look at the study and stuff, it is actually fascinating. But overall, you have to listen to your body and know what you are doing.

    민지 March 31, 2019 9:32 am
    i dont know about gaining back the weight, but I know fasting can reset your palate and cure sugar craving. Contradict to many people believe, after the fast, you can't binge eating right away bc your body will... AnhTran

    Thank you for being informative, I actually appreciate it.
    Also, I've wanted to try fasting and I had it in mind for so long, and still do, but the thought that something could go wrong really scares me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    I know it's beneficial, but it's intimidating.

    noreply March 31, 2019 10:54 am
    Actually fasting doesn't kill you if you know what are you doing. Fasting can have a lot of benefits, including improved health, longevity, weight loss, etc. I believe this is bc when you eat 3-4 meals a day, y... AnhTran

    Fasting can for sure kill you if you don't know what your are doing. I'm pretty sure this person does not.

    noreply March 31, 2019 11:00 am

    I do not condone starving yourself or forcing vomit just so you can lose weight. Rather I recommend just starting with eating at least the reccomended amount of calories per day to lose weight and some excercise. It does not even need to be strenuous, you can lose weight just walking. I'm im no way a professional and I believe an expert is even more helpful then a manga website. The methods above are dangerous and can be considered mentally ill, you can die if you do not know what you are doing. Just be safe and don't worry too much about your weight.

    KimChae March 31, 2019 4:35 pm
    Okay... What are you not sure about? I just hope you don't try anything awful to try and lose weight fast. Please do a healthy diet. I don't know you, but the way you wrote your question really worried me. (^_^... 민지

    People say to just cut off water?? Which I’m seriously doubting since I do sports and work or and water is an essential to me

    Nitta March 31, 2019 4:45 pm

    I know I'm just a nobody on the internet but don't do it. It's not worth it. I get that you wanna lose weight fast and easily, but even if you take such risks for your health and body and DO lose weight, you'll gain it all over again. You have to be consistent with and the best way is to exercise. I'm not saying go to the gym and shit like that because not everyone can afford it, me included, but you can try jogging whenever you can, eat more healthily, etc...

    Nitta March 31, 2019 4:47 pm
    I know I'm just a nobody on the internet but don't do it. It's not worth it. I get that you wanna lose weight fast and easily, but even if you take such risks for your health and body and DO lose weight, you'll... Nitta

    Forgot to mention that exercise expands SO much. You can dance if you're into that, join a swimming club or/and practice pretty much any sport you like. That way you'll enjoy what you're doing AND lose weight instead of feeling it's an obligation.
