KS has so many plot holes that I cant consider it good writting anymore.
Yes,this story was seriously bullshit.
Also ,there are many good korean stories and yes, I have come across some stupid stories too but 70% of them were brilliant stories but ended suddenly due to stupid publishing company or platforms.Also , talking about lack of talent in korean film industry wtiters,I bet you just watch teenage dramas because there are so many awesome movies, "An ode for my father" and"Good doctor" are some of my favorites.About manhwas,too many to name my few faves. Spirit fingers, Fools,Escape into oblivion are some of my MANY treasures
Well, most popular korean dramas and korean manhwas are pretty shitty. I can think of SOME that are not bad but most of them lack any substance in their plots
I did previously watch some well known dramas, not movies. But I'm just talking about overall general kdramas...they do suck. Its basically the same plotline over and over except with slightly different scenarios and circumstances. But its quite telling when most kdramas, loved by many are really just carbon copies of each other and then you look at their manhwas on the rise and most of the popular ones are either decent or pretty damn bad...even objectively.
Thankfully this finally ended after so much turmoil. It started out with great potential and then almost hit rock bottom right in the middle. The author dragged out this conflict with Lu Xuan Ru for forever...for too long. Overall shitty but still managed to end it on a slightly better note than I've seen other authors in the same predicament do. After reading so many manhwas starting out well and going downhill midway, I know not to keep my hopes up anymore. Always reminds me that korean writers lack the talent to write. I mean look at kdramas. Looks like korean comics are exactly the same.