Well tbh none of them have decency nor do they have some dignity. Nami “took advantage” of Don. She KNEW that Don still loved Haero yet she still was soo desperate to date him. I do feel bad for Nami because she is in a relationship where the other partner does not love her.
Don however is stuck inside a unrequited relationship with Nami. He never felt any type of love with Nami. But I think that Don should probably talk with Nami about their relationship etc. What’s the point of staying in a relationship with someone you don’t love.
Haero on the other hand left Don to have a “normal life” two times. People seem to misunderstand why he did. He felt insecure about their relationship. I can see why he did, Don lied about the Jiyho issue so of course, Haero will feel quite insecure. But, instead of blackmailing Don into having sex, he should’ve talked to Don and should have been less secretive so that their relationship could’ve been more comfortable.
i don't understand how everyone keeps accusing Nami of taking advantage of Don. She knowingly is with him knowing he doesn't love her. Where did Nami go and force Don to be with her? She knows she a rebound and that's it. Even if she was desperate for Don, all she did was suggest they be together when they met after meeting in that Hospital scene. Stop trying to vilify her when she's done literally nothing wrong. That was the whole point of their relationship, she loves him enough to accept her feelings won't be returned. That was literally the point of her conversation of being "protecting" him after Haero had left for the second time. How are you guys completely ignoring that? Nami is a "beard" she knows that Don doesn't love her but it beats the scrutiny and ridicule Don would experience as a gay man from his peers, family, etc. In her own way she's protecting Don from the experience that Haero went through during highschool that's even the reason Haero left Don as well in ensuring Don would have a normal life without the negativity of being gay. The issue is its implicitly understood that Don and Nami are together in a "real" relationship in everything but being mutually in love with one another. In this way Don betrayed Nami's trust, rather than betraying a love he'd never had for her to begin with.
oh don't worry I hadn't meant to come across as angry or hostile. I'm just kind of annoyed how often readers of this genre dislike the lone secondary female simply because of her mere presence and the tendency to instantly make her a villain because apparently woman shouldn't exist in fictional world where practically everyone male is gay.You'd think with BL being primarily written by women for women there wouldn't be the usual toxicity directed female bodies taking up space or seen as competition rather than allies but even in a fictional world filled with gay men, women continue to be the bad guys. I don't know if it's a product of the "FUJOSHI" but it's serious toxic. Nami can be chastised for chasing after a clearly uninterested man, but she's done nothing else to be receiving the hate I've seen from many posts.
The only likable character is Nami tbh lmao