Well this sucks

Noree March 29, 2019 11:00 am

Gah I am so mad at how the authors did all the women in this comic dirty. Sanghee nowadays is literally just as interesting as a background character, she's just there to only react at things, no action at all. What happened to when she had motive? When she actually had a plan to destroy the patriarchal hierarchy. Now she's just letting guys step all over her while she goes "tee hee, men typical amiright?". Kinda feel cheated since I spent so many tapas coins on this comic, anticipating to see a strong female lead rise up and take revenge on those who bullied and tormented her but oh no, all the girls in this comic have to giggle and act sparkly just because! Girls be girls and all they can do is just wait for a man to do things for them! For gods sake the author even had to put a empire where women were equal to men, but instead of having an empress who fought for the freedom of women as their leader, they had a emperor who just thought, "eh women are pretty chill"

    nicksters16 March 29, 2019 11:37 am

    I agree with you too just she cant really fight back because she is powerless..I do wish that maybe she could try to use her ideas from her past or something to outsmart them but no she just let's people harass her.

    BongoCat March 29, 2019 1:27 pm
    I agree with you too just she cant really fight back because she is powerless..I do wish that maybe she could try to use her ideas from her past or something to outsmart them but no she just let's people harass... nicksters16

    yep. I felt quite cheated, investing time and money into this comic, that just disappoints every chapter. At first her manipulation was intriguing until I realised so many chapters in... that the author really thinks all girls are good for is to be cute, sit around and make guys do stuff for them.

    BongoCat March 29, 2019 1:34 pm

    Author needs to realise that there is a difference between being feminine and being a doormat. Being feminine doesnt mean being useless and not standing up to oppression.

    nicksters16 March 29, 2019 2:25 pm
    Author needs to realise that there is a difference between being feminine and being a doormat. Being feminine doesnt mean being useless and not standing up to oppression. BongoCat

    The problem is they cant stand up to it. They have no magic or anything to fight back with. The only way they can stand up to them is by doing what the mc is doing.

    BongoCat March 30, 2019 2:59 am
    The problem is they cant stand up to it. They have no magic or anything to fight back with. The only way they can stand up to them is by doing what the mc is doing. nicksters16

    The MC isnt doing anything. She had the chance to start smthg with another strong woman and also a whole kingdom where gender equality exists... but nop. She doesnt get along with the woman because she's afraid her man might be stolen. She sits around, look cute and pouty and hope that her bros does something. That isnt a woman, that is a pet.

    BongoCat March 30, 2019 3:06 am
    The problem is they cant stand up to it. They have no magic or anything to fight back with. The only way they can stand up to them is by doing what the mc is doing. nicksters16

    I dont want some impractical mary sue triumphing everything. But not a useless doormat that promises to fight for her and women's freedom, but for 127 chapters remains a loyal dog to the oppressors with no attempts to do anything. And even until now, she has shown no effort to start smthg to help the other women. Just endless self-pity of how she's also a weak frail girl and so cant help them. Even tho she has never tried to even help them. Start a secret organisation, start a movement or smthg. Nop. Still a pet, asking for her brother's favors. Even till now she is still called a Mutt. Her talents in Korean are dumb down for no reason and there is nothing exciting about a hero that does nothing in a world without any awesome women. At this rate the men in this universe might be right about the women being useless, because I see no other good woman character that proves that women are equal to men. Its all just men, men, men and oh the female MC that is more bland than a background character.

    Noree March 30, 2019 4:34 am
    The problem is they cant stand up to it. They have no magic or anything to fight back with. The only way they can stand up to them is by doing what the mc is doing. nicksters16

    But the MC isn't even doing anything which makes it even more frustrating
    (Also there's the blonde girl who was able to do some magic but got locked up cause apparently, the female was getting too independent! And the mc has just completely forgotten her, giggling and acting pouty hoping that her bros do stuff for her I guess)

    Noree March 30, 2019 4:50 am
    I dont want some impractical mary sue triumphing everything. But not a useless doormat that promises to fight for her and women's freedom, but for 127 chapters remains a loyal dog to the oppressors with no atte... BongoCat

    There's so much potential for her to scheme behind the scenes too. Hell, I even had this imaginary scenario in my head that I was just begging to become canon that goes like this:
    Sanghee is shown to be able to translate "Ancient languages" (which in reality is just modern Korean lol) but her talents were overlooked because of her gender. Because of this, Sanghee could easily slip in the shadows and form an organization of women where she can teach them how to translate the language without using the overly complex method the schools & men have been using.
    Think about how big of a step this is to the patriarchy and talent difference between women and men!
    Women finally have something that the men don't have and it doesn't even have to be magical powers or strength. They can exchange encrypted messages to each other and the men won't be able to properly translate it. And think of the conflict that could happen if one of the letters were to be found and translated!
    I mean any scenario is way more interesting compared to the "uwu im a the mc and i want to stand up for women but im just going to let my boy bodyguards do all the work instead of actually doing anything! Also theres other girls in this story but I chose not to acknowledge them in fear that they'll steal my precious boyfriend!! uwu"

    nicksters16 March 31, 2019 2:38 am

    I actually really like that idea. It would be cool if she created an organization and taught them Korean because literally no one else knows it. If the author used your ideas this would actually be something enjoyable to read.

    BongoCat March 31, 2019 2:37 pm
    There's so much potential for her to scheme behind the scenes too. Hell, I even had this imaginary scenario in my head that I was just begging to become canon that goes like this:Sanghee is shown to be able to ... Noree

    "uwu im a the mc and i want to stand up for women but im just going to let my boy bodyguards do all the work instead of actually doing anything! Also theres other girls in this story but I chose not to acknowledge them in fear that they'll steal my precious boyfriend!! uwu"

    this was 100% accurate. i think whoever is in charge of writing this needs to face their own bias about gender before writing anything about fighting for equality. The ignorance is showing