I love Koogi because she is so realistic. Because YES, there are life that are so messed u...

Lily March 28, 2019 3:06 pm

I love Koogi because she is so realistic. Because YES, there are life that are so messed up you can't see a light in them and the only light you see is a relationship that is sick. Because YES, your parents can try to kill you and you can became a murder but then call for the one person who made you feel loved, even if you jus tried to kill them. Because YES, you do die like that and not in a spectacular way, just like you were nothing since the beginning (even if you are the MC of a manwha!). Because YES, you being insecure and running away do makes you miss good thing in life or the last moment you can share with someone. Because YES, doubting someone that truly loved you can take you to your grave.

    MikaelaSky March 28, 2019 4:09 pm

    I think koogi realisticly showed mental illness