Help me find this yaoi manga pls

Spicy water March 27, 2019 10:39 pm

I read it a couple years ago and it’s about 2 dudes. I think one was straight and the other one gay? Dun really remember but the someone gave the seme an aphrodisiac drink and the seme left it in the back of his alcohol cabinet or sth and one day the seme and uke were drinking and the seme stepped out of his house to buy cigs or sth real quick but when he came back the uke found the drink and drank it thinking it was alcohol. I think the uke tried to sleep it off or sth, there was this one part where the uke needed to go to the washroom but was too weak to do so bc of the drink so the seme offered to help, and then after the uke got like raped by the seme. They became sex friends at first after, before developing into a relationship. They’re university students in the science department. That’s all I remember ┗( T﹏T )┛
