I tried my best to understand Haero’s situation but it was harder than I thought. Did he...

Salty Biscuit March 27, 2019 3:38 pm

I tried my best to understand Haero’s situation but it was harder than I thought. Did he ever consider Don’s feeling all these times? Leaving him so that Don could live a “normal” life, what? Bullshit. He should’ve never agreed to date him in the first place if he was really concerned about Don’s future wtf. Seriously tho, fuck him. But more than that, I hate myself even more for still wanting them to be together gdi and I can’t stop thinking about how all this drama is going to hurt Nami really bad.

    sturmwitch March 27, 2019 6:04 pm

    haaa same, like he left because he wanted Don to have a normal life but then he comes back and uses his position to make him do what he wants. uhefuheu but I still want them to end up together. I feel bad for Nami and I really hope she won't turn into a bitch like in other BL.