No no not my satisfaction, these past chapters were so vague, I think Koogi wanted to show it from Bum’s perspective and why he ended up where he did, otherwise nothing makes sense!
For one Sangwoo’s a serial killer police can’t just drop him at the hospital and go!
And there’s the old lady... is this a mental hospital? No.
A home for old people? No
Even if she’s crazy Why is she able to freely walk to other people’s rooms? (And it’s supposed to be a protected room too) It doesn’t add up at all!
Or maybe they got tired of the story and did a poor job at finishing it fast, we’ll see I guess...
Alright...but wtf is wrong with that psycho old woman? Shes like “I heard a patient desperately calling out a name, I asked him who it was? but he wouldn’t answer SO I KILLED HIM (=・ω・=)