what are you talking about exactly? How do you support the author by reading their work illegally? They won't be paid if you read it here. Besides, this comic has a wait until free policy. You can unlock most chapters for free by waiting and then you can get coins by watching ads. There is legit no excuse for this

I know G I have topas but, dude I have a short attention span and if I have to wait too long for something I just drop it I "like" it so far but isn't it better to read something than just totally drop it and not read it because it takes so long, there's a reason why you can buy the episodes Cuz no one wants to wait to get something expesially if its something they know nothing about;
Just sayin', but you tell me should I drop it? I obviously don't like to put effert into things so maybe I should ╥﹏╥

what I'm saying is that at least put the effort to support the author, especially if you can do it for free. Even if you read this here, just unlock a chapter a week just so the author can get paid and her comic gets views. I don't understand, is that too much? Or do you think the author is forced to let us read her work for free on illegal websites? It's really odd. What's with this entitled attitude? It's not like you're asked to do much. Tapas has so many options to get coins and to read things for free. Actually most of their comics are free. Show some respect to the authors you supposedly like and read for.

Hey hey now, I don't know what's got your dick in a knot but I didn't say I liked the story yet and I also said I can't invest into something I don't know anything about, sorry to tell yea but I'm dropping this now not because I don't like the story buuut becouse of you; call me entitled all you want but I don't have all the time in the world to wait on something, I don't thing will be keep me up at night. so if your so caught up on others "supporting" the artist why are you here on this website ... Actually don't answer I got a few answers in my head and I really don't care to read them from you and if you think I'm disrespectful for not doing what you said that's fine bye bye (=・ω・=)

oh I'm happy I got you to stop reading this! That's great! As for myself, I buy everything I can afford, and if I can't afford it, I watch ads and wait until I can. I just hope that one day when you get a job you'll get what it feels like to spend hours and hours everyday working on something only for people to consume it for free. But anyway, I guess it shouldn't bother you then either. Tapas is one of those websites where you have a shit tone of options to support authors without even paying money, but that's too much of a bother for people who think they are entitled to the works of others for free I guess. Whether you read this reply or not is up to you. You got so defensive because I told people to read this on the original source and told them of a way to support the author even without paying, but guess even that's too much.

How was I defensive I only said "I" can't pay for it and you keep saying entitled, you don't really know how to use that word for it to be impactful but you know you seem WAY more defensive than I am you really don't know what situation I'm in with my life and you don't know if i have a job or what kind of what job I have, people like free things and hate working for it that's just how humans are but obviously your a saint that can't get that I have reasons for not doing certain things ... I think you exaggerate when you read and think I'm 'aggresive' typing and that I'm some middle aged white woman sitting in her room watching anime and reading manga.
I hate when people make assumptions about me especially when there on the internet but you know what I have an impression of you too might not be relevant but I really don't want to continue this conversation I dropped the comic sooo this convos done right... This whole thing is annoying and I have stopped caring three answers ago
Please don't reply I don't like leaving people hanging in a convo and I don't want to read another story, I said it before but I'm sorry if I came across as rude/'entitled' I'll take my eternal lead first.
Read this on Tapas.