I know it’s really, really unappreciated for someone to post this here. But do you think everyone have money? Right now it’s depend, to someone they can buy the ink in Tapas to buy the episode. It’s easy to say but it’s not like everyone have work to do considering they’re still in school and such, it’s the least they could enjoy. To someone like you, I don’t know you have work to earn money or not but you might be feeling unjustified for the Author. But please understand others! If it’s not for the locked chapters and they don’t have money, I’m sure they will be more than happy to support the author herself. I’m also reading here because I don’t have money to pay for those chapters but I don’t feel happy for reading it for free too. If I have money myself I’ll make sure to support them, that’s my thought. But I suggest you shouldn’t be rude to poor people even if you’re rich or poor yourself. It’s best to respect others. The one who posted it here just wanted to share and I’m sure they “USED” their money to bought the chapters.

I'll say this really slowly so maybe you can understand it better this time: You can unlock most of the chapters of this comic FOR FREE on Tapas. You can wait to unlock a chapter once every week. You can also get ink by watching ads. And please spare me, I'm not being rude to poor people. I am a student too and I use events to get free coins and I watch ads to get coins. I don't have a lot o money. Being poor does not mean you are allowed to read people's work illegally, especially if there are other ways to support the author that are free/cheap. Also, comics are not like food. You will not die if you don't read them. It's like you're saying I'm too poor so it is okay for me to steal this bag from the store. Put yourself in the author's shoes. Imagine you work on something for days and days and it is you life and work and then somebody just posts it on an illegal website and people read it for free and you don't get paid? Would that be nice? Do you like to work for free? I'm not being rude and you're not some poor person starving from hunger. Tapas is giving you the chance to read most of the chapters of this for free if you put some effort and actually wait to unlock the chapters like the rest of us. People like you are the reason why many manhwa artists just stop working because they feel like people keep stealing their work.

I don’t mean it in a ‘poor’ way like literally poor having no money to use. I mean it in a way I still couldn’t find work yet. And I also post work on tapas, I know how that app works and I don’t think stealing or reading this on ‘illegal site’ is appropriate, but having said that doesn’t give you the right to criticize something that they tried to do is that much wrong or bad. Just try to imagine, do you think these people uploaded on mangago get paid? Money? Luxurious? They have too much free time to spare? Of course no one have that much free time to go around and steal others work in order to post it online like this just to waste time. I would really respect you if you could just ask the one who posted it here, if that person have something to say about it before you go around criticism others. To be honest, I didn’t even know that this manga was on Tapas to begin with and when I know about it I also simply go to tapas and read the chapters there, what I’m trying to say is, you can just say something nicely and people will listen to you without a problem and will also respect your prideful self, but like what you said? I’m not sure what others thinks but for me it’s just doesn’t seems like you’re respecting people so who would believe what you said was that you want others to respect the author work or want attention? I’m sorry it was a bit rude of me to criticism you, too, I don’t mean any harm but I just felt wronged for not knowing anything just because I read it here?

The person who put this here does not own this manhwa, so they have zero rights. Whether they have free time or not, regardless what their motives are, it does not matter. They are spreading stolen material that's all! They are harming the author badly, and for a comic that you can literally read most of it for FREE! Just imagine if the author saw this here, what do you think she will feel? Wait until you find a job. You will then understand how frustrating it is to work for free. I usually ignore the comics posted here because I'm used to people pirating stuff, and there's a culture that made people believe that stealing from stores is bad but consuming illegal books and music is okay, and this way of thinking is hard to change. However, when I see comics from Tapas getting posted here, it really pisses me off because you can seriously read most of them for free or use ads to get coins and this is so unfair. people need to be more considerate and this is not me being rude when I point it out.

Err #-.-) I’m not sure what kind of culture is that. In anyway, I know every manga that has been posted here aren’t belong to these people who posted it here but they didn’t claim the right of any manga either. It’s all the user fault too for squirming with this site. I guess the people who create this site just understand some of the people that want to read manga without paying. I know manga in tapas are free because we could watch add, do the event or invite friend, whatever it is we can get it without paying but it takes ‘time’ and that’s why it’s quite annoying. You could only get one chapter in a week of wa tching ads or somewhere around that time. However, you still have to buy the chapters that is your favorite to begin with. If I were to say it clearly, there’s more than one manga in tapas that is worth the ink, but it might takes more than months or years to just finish one manga with using those free ink. Because a manga has more than 20 chapters. Also people who need money wouldn’t wish to work for free, of course they will feel frustrated, I will feel frustrated too. And I’m sure you will too so you don’t have to say that, I know that much. But come to think of it this site isn’t illegal at all if it is then it could have been close down long time ago already. I won’t be so sure that these people are buying the manga or asked the author before posting it here, but I’m sure it’s not illegal I don’t think the law will let them get away with stealing others work like this. If you’re really hate this site, you can report it to the author and see what she would do about it because even if you’re SHOUTING here the people who posted it here will still do it because only one to two people hate it but everyone else love it. (︶︿︶)=凸

it is illegal. Authors complain about this site all the time on twitter. This comic belongs to Tapas, so if it is posted anywhere else other than Tapas, then it is an illegal posting. If you tell the authors about this, they will be really upset. Many people do that. I don't do that, it's everyone's business. They least I can do is tell people to read this in the actual source and try to help the author. This comic you don't need coins to read btw. You can unlock a chapter for free each week. you just need to wait. But I guess even that is a bother. I won't argue anymore, do whatever you want, but stop justifying what you're doing. It's stealing, as simple as that. If you want to keep doing it, it's on you. have a nice day.

Is there no law about stealing works like these? I thought only my country that lack those law but is there none in other country too?
Well... if there’s none it might be too frustrated to imagine. It’s not like telling the one who posted it here, they will stop... (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 many enjoy reading here, so they got profit I guess?. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ it’s none of my business anyway. :/
I also met some people like you who go around telling others to read and buy the author book/chapter but I just thought you’re saying that to the wrong person. Because the one who posted manga here are the worker on this site themselves. So I guess they would still ignore what you said. It’s best to just spread the word for readers to go read there. But I doubt many people would go because read here is easier. ( ̄∇ ̄")

THERE ARE LAWS. They are called copyright laws. Of course there are laws, it's just these sites are so hard to get down and track. This is illegal. Comics posted here from Lezhin and Tapas and Tappytoon are all illegal. You do whatever you want, but just don't justify it. That's all. This particular comic bothers me because people can actually read most of it for free on Tapas and still support the author but they decide to post it here anyway. It's horrible. If the authors don't get paid well, they will stop drawing comics. Would that make you all happy?
Anyway, do whatever you want. I told you I'm doing arguing about this

Yes, I think so. Because every work in Tapas never have smut scenes. More or less even some other trigger content. I never read their guidelines, but I think there are some for the publisher works has to be non-sexual scenes? But hey, what Korean app do you usually use to read manga on? So far I only know WEBTOON. If there’s any other then this one please tell me. ヾ(☆▽☆)

I used webtoons before too. Tbh I'm not an expert. I don't read Korean but I see the raws and try to translate what can be managed. For this particular manga I used Mrblue website. Too bad. The story plot is amazing. I'll definitely read it all asap even without the sex scenes. It's just always a plus. I'm a sucker for details. Looks, hand touches, gasps..... (≧∀≦)
I just don't understand who is posting these here. You can unlock chapters for free on Tapas. READ ON TAPAS TO SUPPORT THE AUTHORS! You can even get coins for free on Tapas by watching ads. This is very unjustified and really harmful to the authors. Whoever is uploading the comics from Tapas needs to stop.