Can people with hermaphrodite be pregnant?

Uncultured swine March 26, 2019 2:45 pm

Can people with hermaphrodite be pregnant?

    rose March 28, 2019 1:40 pm

    Depends. Most of the time though real hermaphrodites are more one than the other. Since he can cum from his penis, he probably doesn't have ovaries. And if he does, they're probably malformed and/or non functional. There's probably something wrong with his testes as well, considering they either never dropped or never formed properly.
    So he probably can't get other people pregnant either. Having two full working sets of sex organs just doesn't Really happen in real life.
    However, this is yaoi, and mpreg is always an option.
    I just wish he finds a better partner.
    Repeat after me: Love does not justify Rape. RAPE=/=LOVE

    rose March 28, 2019 1:49 pm

    Read this manga for a shojo look into the world of hermaphrodites.

    moirin May 17, 2019 3:25 pm

    same question here

    YaoiIsLife_SC July 31, 2019 10:58 am
    Depends. Most of the time though real hermaphrodites are more one than the other. Since he can cum from his penis, he probably doesn't have ovaries. And if he does, they're probably malformed and/or non functio... rose

    Well constructed answer, I applause you! Yes you are completely right. Hermaphrodites usually never have fully functioning sex organs. Most of the time, they are incomplete and therefore nonfunctional. There were only 11 documented cases of pregnant true hermadrophites. True meaning that they were medically diagnosed as a hermaphrodite with proof. If you do more research, you’ll find there are multiple sex abnormalities and conditions that exist. So, can he get pregnant? It’s definetly a possibility if he has functioning ovaries and a uterus capable of holding that pregnancy for 9 months. Or, if they really want a child, they can search if he has egg follicles, get them removed, have it artificially inseminated, and get a surrogate.