Ch 69 Full translation

Anonymouslyanonymous March 25, 2019 10:10 am

BJ Alex Ch 69 translation:

*scene/emotion description*

*panel of the night sky*

*Jiwon parks his car outside DG's house*

*panel showing DG fell asleep in the passenger seat during the car ride home and Jiwon turning his head to look at him*

*zoomed panel of DG sleeping peacefully*

*zoomed panel of Jiwon looking at DG*

Jiwon: "....."

*panel of Jiwon recalling his convo with Jaejin*
Jaejin: "It always seemed like Donggyun hyung avoids people so it took me a bit to get close to him but even being friends with him, he never showed how he's really like"
*panel of jiwon recalling DG sitting alone where jaejin was first introduced*
"I think deep down he feels really lonely"

*back to current time Jiwon still looking at DG pensively*

Jiwon thinking: 'So...I wasn't the only one who thought that after all'
'Nam Donggyun always seems to mantain a secure distance from people'

Jiwon: *gloomy background* "....."

Jiwon: *slightly shaking DG away by the shoulder* "Nam Donggyun wakeup!"
DG: *drowsy* "huh?"
Jiwon: "We're here at your house already"

DG: *Surprised* "Oh! We're here...!" "Okay, I'll be going then!"

*panel of DG's eyes looking at Jiwon*
DG: "Ah."

*DG leans in to kiss Jiwon goodbye and goodnight* (T/N: D'aww)

DG: *Opening the car door* "Haha I didn't forget today :)"
"Bye, drive safely sunbae"

Jiwon: *panel of him grabbing DG's arm to stop him* (T/N: not aggressively lol) "Nam Donggyun"
*Panel of them two in the car*
"If...If you're feeling worried, don't keep it all bottled up to yourself, please let me know if there is something that is worrying you"
*panel of Jiwon*
"I can help you" (T/N: As in he can be there for him for a shoulder to lean on)

*panel of DG looking surprised*
DG: "....!"
*panel of DG smiling slightly worried about something*
"Okay, I'll let you know when necessary"
*panel of the night skyline by DG's house*
"I appreciate it sunbae"

*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
Ch 69

*cue memory flashback*
*panel of darkness (T/N: lololol idk how to properly describe it)*
*panel of a group of kids murmuring amongst themselves*

*panel of DG in a high school uniform wondering what's going on*
DG: "?"

*zoomed panel of the kids murmuring. Looks like gossip*

*panel showing DG walking over to them*
DG: "Hey! What are you guys talking about"

*panel of them turning around menacingly*
*panel of DG startled and nervous*
DG: "!"

*panel of one of the kids dark shadowing mystery eyes*
Rando: "Nam Donggyun, you..."

*panel of DG's eyes showing the beginning of panicking*

*zoomed panel of rando with black and red looming background*
rando: "You're _____, no?" (T/N: intentionally left blank. Pretty obvious it's gay or something along those lines lol)

*back to present*
*DG jolts awake. It was a bad dream of a memory*
DG: "!"

*zoomed out panel of DG in his bed in his room*
DG: "Oh..."

*panel of DG turning over in bed*
"ugh, It was just a dream" "I thought I forgot about/got passed that..."

*panel of sky*

*panel of packed restaurant*

*panel of Jiwon and DG at their table eating. DG looking happy for food. sfx nom nom* (T/N: relatable. Food's great. I got hyperthyroidism so i'm thin but I'm mentally fat as fuuuucckkk XD)

Jiwon: *passing over his plate* "Here, you can eat mine as well"

DG: "S-sunbae, you barely ate... did you not like it?"

Jiwon: "No, that's not it..."

*chibi panel of them two. Jiwon's gloomy and DG is awkward lol*
Jiwon: "It's that recently I've just been at restaurants with you...I've gained weight..."
DG: "Oh..."

*zoomed out panel of them two and other tables*
DG: "Just by looking at you I can't tell."
Jiwon: "It's because you see me everyday.'re distracted"
DG: "But even so, you look great sunbae!"
Jiwon: "just eat."

*panel of waiter dropping off DG's drink*
Waiter: "here's you're drink sir."
DG: "Thank you~"

*up and down panel of DG looking up and the waiter looking down.*
Waiter: "oh,"

*panel of the whole table*
Waiter: "Are you...Nam Donggyun?"

*panel of water looking excited to bump into someone he knows*
waiter: "you're nam donggyun right? Don't you remember me?"
"I'm from XX high school, Park Sungwoong!"
"We used to hangout a lot~"
*panel of DG looking up. sweatdrop*
DG: "Oh..." "Eh..."

*Panel of Sungwoong talking in the corning and a focus on Jiwon's face*
Sungwoong: "What a coincidence! It's nice to see you again!"
Jiwon: "?"
Sungwoong: "How have you've been?"
*zoomed panel of Jiwon's face*
Sungwoong: "Y'know, I still hangout with the guys from high school~"
"The guys we used to hangout with often"

*panel of DG's anxious face pretending to smile*
DG: "Oh, y-yea I r-remember"

*side by side panel. First panel zoomed out of waiter facing DG. we see his back. second panel zoomed in onto DG's worried face*
Sungwoong: "Do you want to come to hangout later?" "we're going to go for drinks together~"
"Ah, maybe you already got plans?"

*zoomed out panel of side view of the table and someone at some other table calling Sungwoong over*
Nobody 1: "Waiter!"

Sungwoong: "Ah! I'll be right there! Hey the next time you come I'll offer you a special."

*panel of Sungwoong walking away but looking back*
*panel of Sungwoong then turning back to continue on with his work*

*panel of Jiwon with his arm on the table and his head leaning on it*
*letting out a sigh*
Jiwon: "Who was he? Do you know him?"
*panel of DG trembling*
Jiwon: "He's a friend from high school righ...?"
DG: "....."
Jiwon: "!"
*zoomed panel of DG anxious and trembling looming background*
DG: "....."
"No it's nothing like that..."

*panel of Jiwon looking worried*
Jiwon: "Ah..."

*panel of restaurant ceiling*
DG: "Sunbae, can we go now?"
Jiwon: "Yeah, let's go."

*panel of city skyline*
*panel of Jiwon's car parked*

*Panel of Inside the car with them two. DG looking down*

Jiwon: "Today we'll head home and rest early."

*zoomed panel of DG looking down in the dumps*
*panel of him recalling a memory. Looks like rando was sungwoong except the panel still shows him with mystery shadow eyes*
Rando: "Nam Donggyun, you...."

*panel of DG clenching his hands*
DG: "Sunbae..."

*panel of DG and Jiwon. DG looking down and flushed and nervous*
DG: "Sunbae, do you have to go?"

*panel of DG's face with tears beginning to whell up*
"Only for today..." "I don't want to be alone..."

*panel of Jiwon's eyes with shocked effects*

*Panel of Jiwon pulling DG in for a hug*
*panel of Jiwon's face during the hug*
Jiwon: "I'll stay by your side, don't cry."
*panel of DG's face during the hug. He's crying and tears are rolling down his face*

I'm guessing DG got bullied and the bully (sungwoong) either forgot or was being an inconsiderate ass and didn't think much of his actions but DG did (considering he was being mad friendly at the restaurant). Either way DG was hurt. This is probably why he keeps distance. Looks like the beginning of DG's backstory.

Okay now back to studying medicine. aaahhhhhh so much work due soon. lol

    Anonymouslyanonymous March 25, 2019 10:10 am

    like always previous translations on my profile under topics/activty/likes

    also on my discord as well. message me for discord link.

    Ross March 25, 2019 1:22 pm

    Thank you

    yoyo March 25, 2019 3:56 pm

    Thank you! Bookmarking your topic is a great idea after all. All i've got to do just refresh