Late night rants because I keep thinking of this manwha. WOOO BOY. I'm so conflicted. I ...

rottenpeach March 24, 2019 7:17 am

Late night rants because I keep thinking of this manwha. WOOO BOY.

I'm so conflicted. I mean you could tell, at least in the beginning, they both liked each other. But even from the beginning, there was aspects in their relationship that weren't healthy. Sungho was becoming too infatuated with Dohyun and Dohyun not being able to express himself properly, among A LOT of other things.

I feel their relationship could have worked out, even after their high school 'break up', if Sungho DIDN'T FUCK IT UP. Now Sungho wishes he did things differently, but it's too late. Even if it looks like Dohyun is finally reciprocating, Dohyun obviously isn't in the right state of mind. He is seeing current Sungho as the teenager Sungho, the Sungho he was comfortable with, to cope with this situation.

As much as I would like them to be together, realistically their relationship will never be a normal, healthy relationship. The ideal ending would be if Sungho went to prison and they both get therapy because these boys need help.

If they stay together, tbh I will be disappointed. It's unrealistic and insulting to Dohyun's character. The best trait of Dohyun is his strong will imo. For the most part of the manwha, he was fighting Sungho. I don't think Dohyun will be genuinely happy basically being Sungho's prisoner his whole life.

But anyways that's just my 2 cents. Rant over. Sorry if some parts don't make sense because it's 2 am here lol. BYeee.
