This manga is about Cesare Borgia, one of the members of infamous Renaissance family Borgia, and when hearing about this family name, I recall a song from Horrible Histories about the family: "Lucrezia, Giovanni, Gioffre and Cesare. Italian barmy army, the Borgia Family! Our daddy was Rodrigo, I had a monstrous ego; where he makes trouble we go, the Borgia Family~"
This manga is about Cesare Borgia, one of the members of infamous Renaissance family Borgia, and when hearing about this family name, I recall a song from Horrible Histories about the family:
"Lucrezia, Giovanni, Gioffre and Cesare. Italian barmy army, the Borgia Family! Our daddy was Rodrigo, I had a monstrous ego; where he makes trouble we go, the Borgia Family~"