honestly... i don't know what to do

dreaming.cicada March 23, 2019 9:42 pm

hello fellow manga readers, i would appreciate it if you'd stay for a moment & maybe also give me your opinion on this. much appreciated.
so, the thing is i'll be graduating high school this summer. i suffered twelve years from extreme stress, social phobia & depression. these are a few reasons why i want to want to leave this country for hopefully a whole year. i made up my mind on that & there are several choices i have. they all have good & bad points in them so i honestly don't know what to do. take a look:
(1) joining the european solidarity corps & taking part in a project in austria. the advantages are that it is outside the country i'm currently living in but it's also not too far away, so if sth were to happen to my family i'd be able to go back fast. the project is about taking part in a broadcasting station which is also a plus because that's very similar to what i'm thinking of studying in university. minuses are that i'm not sure if it'd really help me to ease my pain because i'm scared that the other choices would help me more on that and the fact that climate affects my mood pretty hard and the weather isn't really good there (grey for most of the time etc)
(2) working as a workawayer in osaka (japan) in a guest house. this sounds so wonderful for me because i've been compassionate about japan since my early childhood. so it's always been my dream to go there. working for only 4-5 hours per day (& getting a wage) sounds pretty good as well, right? i'd be able to explore, take time for myself and melt in the dream that became realitiy. what kind of takes me aback is the fact that i'm worried if i have/earn enough money to be able to stay there just alright. then there's the language barrier. i'm C1 in english and maybe a beginner in japanese (i can write katakana & hiragana but can't read kanji) so that'll probably influence my everyday life a lot. but i think that this barrier can be overcome with time as i learn it there... also, when sth happens to my family would i be able to go back right that instance?
don't get me wrong, these choices are both pretty good and i really want to do it. it's just that i'm anxious about making the 'right choice' so that i will not regret.
hopefully this gave you quite a good overview & you could tell me what you think about all this? thank you very much in advance. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    lookey March 23, 2019 10:01 pm

    Well if you learn the language and get enough money to finance your trip to Japan then you should go there instead of Europe.

    But personally I would play it safe and go to Europe. Since it you'll be working on the broadcasting station so that's useful. I know the grayish weather makes it a gloomy place but don't let it bother you because going to a new country regardless of what always gives you a fresh start.

    I think it's good to go to a country you really like, Japan in your case, but I would think more of the future and go to Europe. After all you can visit Japan in the future once you're
    ready. Not for job reason but just to relax.

    Hopefully my advice helped :D

    dreaming.cicada March 23, 2019 10:05 pm
    Well if you learn the language and get enough money to finance your trip to Japan then you should go there instead of Europe.But personally I would play it safe and go to Europe. Since it you'll be working on t... lookey

    thank you! that sounds like really good reasoning.

    Anonymous March 23, 2019 10:10 pm

    Take it from someone whose studied and lived in Asia and is a good amount of years older than you....I don't think Japan is the best if you have social phobia.....well at least not a big city like Osaka or Tokyo. Also it can be VERY lonely in asian countries. its hard meeting new people and even more difficult if there is a language barrier. Another point is that Japan is super expensive. And on a final note.....If you do decided on Japan, just be aware that although places like Japan and Korea seem like some sort of dreamland and amazing place in manga/manhwa and anime and dramas. it's not remotely realistic. When I went to Asia the first time I thought it was going just like in the dramas.....it was not. Im not saying Japan isn't a nice place. I'm just saying there can be a lot of challenges and things to consider when going there for the long term. Hope I could help. Sorry if this sounded super negative. cheers

    Ochako March 23, 2019 10:20 pm

    I think 1 is the better choice based on what you have mentioned so far. Let me share my views on both :
    (1). You will be able to work in the field that you wish to pursue as a career. Once you get into the work and start enjoying it, you won't have time to bother about weather conditions and your depression might ebb away. Also, its closer to your home so both your and your family's minds would be at peace.
    (2). You said that you have social phobia if you are willing to take a challenge and overcome it then go to Japan instead. Japanese inns/guest houses are known for being very hospitable, so if you work at a guest house in Japan you will have to politely and properly interact with a lot of people, both staff and customers. Also, Osaka has its own way of speaking japanese (accent + use of words) so that is something you'll only get to learn in Osaka. But, you'll have to know and meet the visa requirements at least. I have no idea so please check.

    Anonymous March 23, 2019 10:30 pm

    Sorry I'm not used to commenting on mangago but in adding to Ochako's comment: getting a work visa in Japan is quite difficult. As the visa system has gotten stricter lately since many have been abusing the system. unless you are employed by a large company, you will have to sponsor your own visa which can be pretty expensive. And also some visas require that you make a certain amount of money a month (I think it's about $3000 or so). but hey if the guest house would be willing to sponsor that's great

    Yep :) March 24, 2019 2:26 am

    Realistically, from what you described about you and about the options, I think you should go for option 1. , and in the future, maybe do option 2 - it doesn't have to be an either or option, but rather a question about which one first.

    The first options is more realistic because it seems more solid, will help you branch out in many ways, is more secure financially and socially (your family), and is an easier first experience if it's your first big trip on your own.

    Option two sounds more like a dream-idea --> you will meet your expectations or crash and burn - not a good idea for a first experience. Language barrier, longer distance from family, potential financial stability....

    But in the end, it's your decision, follow your heart but listen to your mind.

    Good luck!