I absolutely agree. At worse, that was attempted murder. At best, that was some form of assault.
No matter what, the police should have been brought in. Even if the MC decided to not press charges or even report the villain, the teachers & parents would have continued to ask questions until the truth came out and then brought in the police.
It's just poor and lazy writing for it all to just go away so easily.

Yeah. I thought I’d get way more downvotes, so I’m glad someone agrees. It IS lazy writing and after reading the same trope over and over it starts to make me confused. It’s not like an age-gap or some other tag that I can look for and just avoid, there’s no way to know if an author is going to get lazy with crime, so it sucks when I have my hopes up and they’re shattered.
Tired of these stories where there’s a third party who does some fucked up could-have-killed-you shit and no one wants to even fucking tell the teacher. Like, this kind of logic really oven-fires my goddamn buttered croissant because friendship is NOT magic, and repent sure as hell won’t heal his cracked rib, swollen leg, concussion, like what the fuck.
I read a comment that said “spending more time on him with the police would keep him in the story” — literally he could have just been expelled then since he nearly killed another student, charges could have not been pressed. That would keep him out of the story, like, forever, whereas now we’ll probably see him in school waving hi like a little bitch.
I don’t mean to swear and speak wildly but this is like the 4th or 5th manhwa I’ve read where “I’m sorry” heals wounds inflicted by actual crimes. We know Minkyu wouldn’t press charges but I was hoping at least Jongyun would tell someone, as he seemed like he wanted too.
I’m just really shook right now. I can’t handle this trope.