I just read ch18 and (spoiler) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I was like "...

Ely March 21, 2019 3:17 pm

I just read ch18 and


I was like "at last!" about the kiss but at the same time, I do think this story is rushed . They've known for like a week and Minjae is already being somewhat dramatic about his feelings for Woochan (I'd get it if his "suffering" were bc of his ex but a week knowing someone isn't enough for him to be like "stop getting my hopes up!" idk it feels forced... I'm still enjoying a lot this webtoon tho I'm sorry, lol).

    Esel March 21, 2019 4:27 pm

    I was also wondering why the falling in love part is so rushed, but maybe there will be a better explanation of the effect of this little pendant, to me it seems like an amplifier of feelings..even though they xhanged back,...


    we can still see that the pendant is important even in the future

    akuma_river April 19, 2019 6:56 am

    Narcissism? He fell in love with his body? Lol

    Ely April 19, 2019 7:42 am
    Narcissism? He fell in love with his body? Lol akuma_river

    You know, even when I didn't think about it, that's the reason why the body switch trope usually doesn't excite me? lol ...I mean, in any case, it should be more exciting to see the characters looking fascinated at a mirror than for them kissing I know the idea still is that they fall for each other's persolity since they are "forced" to spend more time together against their will trying to fix it. And the title is Inner Beauty so we're supposed to believe that, lol. But I totally get what you mean.

    Now in ch 22, there's a flashback (I hope this doesn't count as a spoiler) that made me go to check the first chapters again and I realized how the author did actually a good job showing their true personalities, mannerisms and body language even when they were in each other's body. That's definitely cool...

    akuma_river April 19, 2019 10:47 pm
    You know, even when I didn't think about it, that's the reason why the body switch trope usually doesn't excite me? lol ...I mean, in any case, it should be more exciting to see the characters looking fascinate... Ely

    It also feels incesty to me. Lol

    21 is out now so I have to wait to read it hut I am going to go look at the Raws.