Funny, then. Because that would mean you don't understand things even when they've been explained to you (he DOES have a job that hides his other work AND it's been explained what kind of people he kills and how he kills them so he can't be discovered, after all). Is that related to the fact you don't see how the MC IS outlining his boundaries? It's tiresome to have people think that if they can't distort a fictional work to the point where it becomes a pure reflection of reality such that they can blame a person for 'not trying hard enough' to reject a person that only then will it become a 20th century work. When, actually, it's their own ideas that are outdated.
It's the 21st century, you don't have to start dating just because you hooked up once while drunk? I mean, Taekyung threatened to have Siyeon's door removed if he tried to have too much privacy and Siyeon was just like, "Gee, what a jerk." Taekyung tries to keep him from working and doesn't let him get paid for work he's already done, and it's still just, "Gee, what a jerk." No matter what Taekyung does, Siyeon only gets mildly pissed off and then let him get away with it. It's like he has no hard boundaries at all; it's bizarre. You can say when you don't like something, dude!
And how the heck does Siyeon not have SOME kind of cover story prepared for his work? YOU WORK AS AN ASSASSIN, HOW HAS THIS NOT COME UP BEFORE? He's so bad at lying it's hard to believe he's gotten away with his job this long. He also doesn't seem to have any qualms at all about killing random strangers for work. Which would be fine if we were given some explanation or backstory to justify that, but instead it comes across as the creator forgetting that murder is kinda a big deal.
IDK, maybe this just isn't clicking for me because it's a comedy and I normally go in for drama. Right now it feels like I don't understand the characters' thought processes at all.