Fools is really good
Cherry Blossoms After Winter is amazing but on hold for season three

supernatural story...I thought uke was seme at first
reunion story, seme has been searching uke, uke also loves him....no rape
detectives love, seme confessing for long, uke avoiding gay issue but loves him
happy married couple........warning: rape situation by bro-in-law who himself was rape survivor before to remedy aphrodisiac....watch anime to avoid this part
age gap...gentle seme
gentle seme
uke literally said "do I have to allow you to force (rape) me to prove my love for you?"...so COOL

I really love this one but maybe you already know it

Thanks ^.^

No worries, my dude

Oh thanks!

Those seem like great selections, thanks my dude!
This is probably a hard and almost impossible request but does anyone know any yaoi in which the main character isn't a total Dilf to the point where he falls in love with a fucking rapist? I'd really love for an actually smart and funny Mc who doesn't just let people toss 'em around, and most importantly has an actually sweet seme who cares for the Uke and doesn't fucking RAPE them and maintains communication and a healthy relationship? I know, a hard request but could anyone manage?